Saturday, February 9, 2019

Racism in Virginia - Chloe Meinershagen

Governor Ralph Northam, Attorney General Mark Herring, and State Senate Republican leader Tommy Norment were found to have all separately done racist acts in their past. Richmond, Virginia, being the capitol of pro-slavery in the Confederacy during the Civil War, is very troubled by these events. People believe Northam should step down, and are particularly disappointed since Northam was elected on the platform of increasing diversity and inclusion. It's further complicated now that the Governor has had sexual allegations that he denies. Reverend Bell Campbell said racism still runs deep in Virginia, it's just not as outward or blatant as 50 years ago.  Some locals believe more education can solve the ignorant problems of Virginia. The general assessment is that the locals are sad and disappointed in the situation.

Previously to this I did know that racism is still a very big issue in states like Virginia and Alabama, but I was unaware that people in power in the state are not doing the best job. I believe this is very important since many people are ignorant to the systemic racism in the US, that runs in the criminal system but also in the government. I can link this back to President Nixon and his "War on Crime", where it was admitted to having a purpose of putting African Americans in jail. While racist government leaders are not at the extent of countrywide oppression, it is still a sign of racism in the US that has refused to decimate.


  1. I think it's very sad that not only is Racism still happening in these states, but that the people that have power aren't using it. I hate that people are ignorant to things and situations like this.

  2. It’s stupid that racism is still a thing. In the constitution it states that all men are equal. Yet we don’t all get treated the same.
