Monday, February 4, 2019

Mekinna Knight- Hate Crimes

Although in recent history we want to believe there has been a growing ideal of acceptance and love for all people (which there has), there is still much diversion in the subject when it comes to people discriminating against others for no reason. A specific event over this topic occurred last week to actor and musician Jussie Smollett who was allegedly brutally attacked. He spoke upon it about a week after the attack and spoke on it to “clear things up” for the public. The African American openly gay performer discussed  with the Chicago police how the men yelled out “racial and homophobic slurs” and they are investigation the situation as a possible hate crime. The artist wanted to clarify the attack with his audience in West Hollywood stating that he was severely bruised but no broken ribs immediately after the attack he went to the hospital and was cleared to perform. He also said the he was not fully recovered but would soon be. He graciously thanked the crowd and  explained to them how he had to be here tonight to prove a point. To show no mercy to his attackers and stand up for anyone else facing this discrimination. He reiterated to his crowd to keep practicing love over hate and expressed that now is the time for him to be “blacker and gayer”. Jussie discusses how until this has stopped effecting his brothers and sisters he will ever stop telling his story. 

This can be related to the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard (for being gay), who became a symbol for the gay rights movement. 


  1. This is crazy that people can be so cruel like how is he bothering you for just living and choosing to be who he wants to be. This country need to better and now that this has happened other people are going to think that it is ok to go around doing this stuff.

  2. this is very well written and i think it is crazy that people can be so cruel.-gracie zytynski
