Monday, February 4, 2019

A Vermont college student is found dead, the second undergrad to succumb to the deep freeze - Joziah German

The second undergrad to succumb in the frigid weather was found dead this weekend in a parking lot at the University of Vermont. The student Connor Gage, 19, was from New York. Local police say Gage was passing through a parking lot Saturday, early in the morning, when he was stopped by a fence. He was wearing clothes not adequate for the weather being in the negatives. Investigations are continuing to see how Gage passed, but no one has answers yet. Annie Stevens, vice provost for student affairs, said on Facebook that Gage was majoring in neuroscience. She said the death took place off campus. In addition, this terrible weather has taken more than two dozen lives, just last week University of Iowa student Gerald Belz lost his life to the brutal cold. Belz on Wednesday morning was found outside in temperatures and wind chill under negative 50. Law enforcement thinks his death was related to the weather conditions.

This article created by Joe Sterling was published just a day after they found the body. I had prior knowledge about college students who have gone out to party, end up getting so drunk, and fallen asleep at their doorstep. They ended up losing hands and feet because they weren’t dressed correctly. I had no knowledge though of people dying. This article reminds me of Alyssa Lommel, who was a sophomore at the University of Minnesota in 2013 when she lost all her fingers and toes after she nearly froze to death following a party. The two stories are about college students, who weren’t wearing the proper clothing for freezing weather, and were both left outside to die. I think this article is directed towards college students who think it’s ok to go out in scandalous clothing to parties because they think they are cool. I think Joe Sterling is trying to send a message that students are dying because of the actions they are taking with their clothing. The purpose of this article, like I was saying before, isn’t about learning that another student dies from the frigid weather, but that they were not wearing proper attire when walking in sub zero levels. When it gets cold like that the body shuts down, and when the body shuts down people lose bodily functions, and when people lose those functions they lose the ability to think and react, leading them to stop moving. It’s important for people today to understand that when the weather gets as cold as the negatives, it isn’t a joke anymore to test the boundaries of how cold they can get.