Monday, February 4, 2019

Virginia Governor’s Racist Controversy -Cleo Chaney

Original Article:

Many have been calling for Gov. Northam to resign after a racist photo from his 1984 yearbook page surfaced. It’s a disgusting image with a person in black face and another in a klan uniform or costume, which obviously brings up the entire history of the terrorist group, forming to inhibit black rights after the civil war. However, thus far, he has insisted on remaining in office. Northam is a Democrat and some believe he has done good things for the community, leaving them conflicted in this situation.  Some think he should finish out his term and say that the “purist” movement in the Democratic Party has gone too far. Others believe that the photo and his reaction to it are a cause for resignation.  
NPR reporters went to a predominantly black baptist church, like many that Northam campaigned at, to see what people thought about him. The pastor, Emmanuel Harris, is quoted to say “We all have a past, and we all can be forgiven for our past. But the question is, when it comes to leadership, is it your past or is it your present?” This is a good question. Personally, I don’t think the mere existence of the photo is enough to make him resign, but his changing statements made the problem worse. He has also supported the placement of a pipeline compressor in a historically black community, which has caused controversy. If his disregard for black people and black Virginians still exists now, this is a good occasion to get rid of him.

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