This article basically informs us about an attorney who was accused of killing his mother after the police found his vehicle in the crime scene with a statement where he admitted to stealing money from clients he had worked with in the past. He admitted he would fake the the signatures or keep the money to himself. Police had to send out alerts to stay away from because who could have changed his appearance after he fled.
This is really shocking because you would think you can trust your attorney to help you out instead of lying to you and making your financial issues worse. Its crazy to think we let people we don't know take care of things we can't do for ourselves or help you out but they just might advantage if they turn out to be like this guy. This just comes to show that we never really know how people are going to be and that the appearance of someone isn't always the most honest to us.
This is really shocking, how a person you trust to keep your money safe ends up stealing your money~ Stephannie Hernandez