Monday, February 4, 2019

College student found dead~ Stephannie Hernandez

Stephannie Hernandez
Silver 8th

A university of Vermont student was found dead in sub-zero temperatures. The student named Connor was in a parking lot when he was still by a fence. The temperatures had been between-1 and -4 and ge was wearing clothing that was inadequate to the weather.

Place and time= university of Vermont in a parking lot, February 4th
Prior knowledge= I did not know this event took place until I was reading the news. The weather conditions in some places are very scary because they can cause many deaths. There has been many lives taken due to extreme weather conditions this past week.



  1. Very well written article. I didn't know that this happened either, and i think that it is so crazy that weather can cause this.

  2. Its so crazy how its possible to pass away from being in these temps if not properly dressed. I hope this doesnt continue to happen to people. Good work!

  3. This is crazy! With all the guns, violence, and terrorism in this world today, you rarely ever hear of someone dying due to inadequate clothing and cold temperatures.
