Monday, February 4, 2019

climate change will melt vast parts of the himalayas. - will goodell

at least 1/3 of the ice in the hindu kush himalayan region which includes mount everest and k2 is estimated to thaw out by the end of the century, according to scientists. even if there is aggressive action to limit greenhouse gases, and deals are made at the paris climate talks, the ice will most likely still melt. the report also estimates that glacier volumes in the region could decline between 45 % to 90 % by the end of the century. climate change is a mass threat to people who live in the surrounding areas, because it threatens their living situations and ability to get food. the massive loss of glaciers over a 20 year span has threatened the economy and caused many floods, landslides, and other various epidemics. climate change will also reduce how much foods farmers are able to harvest, and with over 70% of the population there being farmers, many are scared of job security. ultimately, climate change will only cause more damage to an already politically and economically fragile region, and domino effect from there.


  1. This is an under reported aspect of climate change that highlights its odd but nevertheless deadly and life threatening ways it can destroy people’s lives. We must take action to help people endangered by climate change, especially when those people don’t have a platform to help themselves.
