Monday, February 4, 2019

Cancer is striking millennials early

Kristen Ramirez

Recently studies have shown that Cancers fueled by obesity is on the run among millennials across the U.S and is increasing in younger ages. The main 6 obesity-related cancers that are increasing in younger adults are gallbladder, kidney, colorectal, endometrial, pancreatic and multiple myeloma. Most of those cancers have shown up in patients life's around 60's and 70's, yet researchers say that they found most significant increases in there early ages of life. Sadly, overall cancer has been seen to decrease in men and increase in women. Studies also show that the increase in obesity has rose in groups of individuals born in recent years. The main cause of this is obviously the lack of exercise and poor diet though, there are many people that are facing that problem in the U.S

You may be wondering "How is obesity related to history?" well, obesity or being overweight is something that can effect society due to it being linked with higher risk for several health issues. Something to think about when facing those problems is the mindset you have, it can change the view of things.

1 comment:

  1. this is very depressing news. cancer effects so many people in such a hard way.
