Monday, February 4, 2019

Cancer is striking millennials earlier - Siobhan Crummey

A new study done by the American Cancer Society shows horrifying results. These results are saying that the millennials are now getting cancer in earlier ages than any other generation before them. There are 12 cancers related to obesity and 18 common cancers not related to obesity. Although there are recent medical advances in the cancer field, the increasing number of young millennials getting diagnosed with cancer is alarming. Normally, obesity related cancers show up in people that are in their 60s and 70s. However, the millennials that are being diagnosed are as young as 30. The cancers include colorectal, endometrial, gallbladder, kidney, pancreatic and multiple myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow.

This relates to history because its making history. Its making history because that generation are some of the youngest people getting diagnosed with obesity-related cancers ever. The audience is Gen Z and millennials, that this is a global epidemic and that basically says to not take on the habits that generations before us might've taken on. The purpose is to inform, and to warn. The point of view is a non-millennial, Sandee LaMotte, a writer for CNN, she she doesn't understand their point of view. This is important because young people are getting cancer and having their opportunities limited at a much younger age. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wonder what this means for the younger generations

  3. This is so scary, I hope we find a solution quick. - Madison Malonson

  4. I wonder what the cause of all this is. I know that there are lots of studies on millennials and how they're the generation with the most student loans, and they're buying houses later. Does the stress of this contribute to obesity? Or maybe it has something to do with their struggles economically. This could lead to them not being able to buy quality food or have the time to exercise as much. Plus, that means they struggle to afford healthcare.
