Monday, February 4, 2019

Camille Cole - US Tech in the Hands of the Enemy

Camille Cole - US Tech in the Hands of the Enemy

Summary: CNN recently sent an investigative team to follow whether US weapons and technology has leaked from the hands of our allies into the hands of our enemies. According to their findings, our weapons and transportation have become widely sold in black markets not only for personal use but also to back entire militias.

Analysis: This is shocking but I can’t say surprising. When we sell to countries like we do, it is inevitable that they will use it as bargaining chips especially with their proximity to terrorist groups. This shows the escalation of trading and yet how much it’s stayed the same. The distance that we can move product has increased but at the essence of it, governments use the power they have as bargaining chips just as the rebels brought in the French to help them against Britain. At the core of it, it’s human interaction and political bargaining and that will never change.


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