Monday, February 4, 2019

Hawaii is considering a bill that bands cigarette sales for anyone under 100- Betty Dubois

Hawaii has some of the most restrictive cigarette laws in the nation, and it became the first state to raise the age to buy cigarettes to 21, and new bills call for raising the cigarette buying age by ten years so by 2024 the age to purchase cigarettes will be 100. Cigarette consumption is growing in Americas youth and Hawaii is doing something to end future generations from getting addicted at a young age. The National Academy of Sciences released a report in 2015 saying that "if someone is not a regular tobacco user by age 25, it is highly unlikely that he or she will become one" which supports Hawaii's decision for raising age restrictions for cigarettes. This sort of relates to the temperance movement where alcohol was banned in certain parts of America, but rather than taking it away, they are just making it harder for their young users to take advantage.


  1. I do agree that cigarettes are very unhealthy, however it is a very odd thing to make the age 100 bc if you're 100, what would make you go, "man, i want a cig rn." this is weiiirrrd

  2. I guess that this law is the way of kind of slowly banning cigarettes, without actually doing so legally. I wonder why they won't just flat out declare cigarettes illegal.

  3. I know it seems unconstitutional, but I like and agree with the proposition for this law.

  4. It's pretty odd, but if weed's illegal in Hawaii, I guess cigarettes can be too.

  5. I don’t blame them because cigarettes are the things that kill people the most today.
