Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Boy Arrested for not Saying the Pledge - Clay

This week, an 11-yr-old boy was arrested because he refused to recite the pledge of allegiance. He ended up getting arrested and detained by school officers after getting into an argument with the substitute, which is as follows: the boy told his substitute teacher that the American flag is racist, she asked him, according to her report to the school, “Why if it was so bad here, he did not go to another place to live.” The boy reportedly responded, “They brought me here.” The teacher then said, “Well, you can always go back, because I came here from Cuba, and the day I feel I’m not welcome here anymore, I would find another place to live.” The teacher then called the office because she “did not want to deal with him,” after which, the school officer arrested the boy and he wasw suspended for three days. I personally am thoroughly dissapointed in this kind of behavior. It just goes to highlight how the school-to-prison pipeline is still alive and well, functioning to the highest, most despicable calliber. This article is difficult to relate to U.S. history with a specific and isolated example, as the school-to-prison pipeline is an ideaology introduced in the early As I predicted, 16 states, led mostly by Open Border Democrats and the Radical Left, have filed a lawsuit in, of course, the 9th Circuit! California, the state that has wasted billions of dollars on their out of control Fast Train, with no hope of completion, seems in charge!2000’s, but throught our nation’s history, inequality has been real.


  1. That's cruel. It's their choice on what they want to do

  2. I can’t believe an argument about the pledge of allegiance would lead to an eleven year old being arrested.
    Maya Friedmann
