Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Election Interference! - Clay

In Raleigh, North Carolina, a person working on behalf of a Republican Congressional candidate oversaw a illegal absentee ballot “scheme” and went to elaborate lengths to conceal it. Basically, from my understanding, L. McCrae Dowless, a political operative for Mark Harris’ (of the 9th congressional district) campaign. Basically, they forged signatures completed ballots and mailed them from post offices near the voter’s home, and may have involved more than 1,000 absentee ballots or request forms. Comparisons can be drawn between this and other elections tampered with recently, including Donald Trump’s election (Russian Collusion) and New York gubernatorial election, 1792 when John Jay received more votes than George Clinton, but on technicalities the votes of Otsego, Tioga and Clinton counties were disqualified and not canvassed, giving George Clinton a slight majority in the official result. While these were different types of interference, oversight was definitely involved and the issues were looked over.

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