Monday, February 4, 2019

Avery Corley: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has made her first public appearance since cancer surgery

This past Monday, the beloved justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg went to an evening ceremony at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in her honor. At the ceremony Ginsberg's daughter-in-law sang in the production "Notorious RGB in Song" to celebrate all of her achievements in justice, law, and her contributions to the furthering of women in government. Ginsberg now 85 years old was diagnosed with cancerous lumps on her lungs, and after a serious pulmonary lobectomy, is finally back in the publics eye again. Even though Ruth Bader Ginsberg went to the production, she still has six weeks of recovery from the surgery but, is getting better by the day and is cancer free. Because of  Ginsberg's recovery she didn't attend President Trumps State of the Union address, and missed oral arguments from this past month however, this will not change her right to vote in cases.

The story of Ruth Bader Ginsberg is similar to the fight for women's suffrage which ended with the 19th amendment being added to the constitution, just like how Ginsberg's fight for women in the supreme court justice system ended with her becoming the first woman supreme court judge with many to follow.


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