Monday, February 4, 2019

$190 million gone forever? Crypto boss dies with passwords needed to unlock customer accounts- Yesenia Ramirez Monroy 

Gerald Cotten who was 30 years old,founder of QuadrigaCX died because of complications with Crohn’s disease. This occurred in December while he was in India traveling because he wanted to open an Orphanage. After this event $190 million are in cryptocurrency and traditional money and its been reported that its in cold storage;however, security experts tired solving this issue, but they have been unsuccessful.Reporters recently informed that Cotten's laptop is in While Robertson's possession, but doesn't know the password as well. Many people have started to complain saying that they are not able to access their account, but the company responded saying that they are working on it and that their been significantly financial issues.

This article was published by James Roger on February the 4,2019 whit the purpose of informing people, but specially costumers of QuadrigaCX to let them know whats their current situation. This may seem unimportant to the majority, but costumers from this company need their money in order to pay for bill and other necessities;however, they can no longer due this because their money is basically non- existent no more. This seems to be a major issues because whenever an event like this occurs companies should always have a backup or a way to deal whit any issues that they could encounter. This relates to history on when Hamilton came up with the ideas of National Banks to pay off war debts and create a common currency. During the early 1800 many people had their bank account on where they would deposit money, but would not often withdraw, so this led to banks to take loans from people and could later become bankrupt. 

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