Monday, February 4, 2019

Here's how 2020 Democrats announced their campaigns- Fiona Graybill

Tensions are on the rise as announcements are being made as to who and who will not be running for president in 2020. Most recently, Cory Booker announced his candidacy following the announcements of Tulsi Gabbard, Julián Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Marianne Williamson who all announced their candidacy in January. Some democratic candidates announced they will be running before 2019. John Delaney announced his campaign in the summer of 2017, Andrew Yang announced his later that fall, and Elizabeth Warren announced her run for president on the very last day of 2018. All of these candidates made clear what their mission will be on the way to 2020 and what, if elected, they plan to do in the oval office.

745 days of Trump in office and though that is 745 days more than I would have liked, we have passed the half way mark. It is so exciting to see and hear what these men and women are planning for their campaigns, who they bring on to their team, and most importantly, how they are going to beat Trump. In every election, the announcements bring some people together and drive some even further apart but I hope that many people will get behind a candidate in either party to save the country from another four years of Trump and his team.

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