Sunday, November 12, 2017

George Takei allegations- Melanie Escalante

Summary: Upon hearing George Takei’s judgemental response to the Kevin Spacey allegations, Scott R Brunton has released his story about the time Takei sexually assaulted him while he was passed out in the actor’s condo. The event itself dates back 40 years ago but Scott R Brunton never said anything. He said that Takei had given him two drinks, he passed out, and when he awoke his pants were down and Takei was trying to take off his underwear to “comfort” him. Brunton remained silent and moved away to Portland, Oregon but later saw Takei at a book signing where he apparently have Brunton his home address. George Takei has denied these accusations publicly on twitter.

Synthesis: The accusations towards George Takei are similar to those of Kevin Spacey’s. Kevin Spacey has been accused of acting upon multiple people and so far Takei has only been accused by Brunton (Not that this makes one situation less important than the other).

Analysis: I hate that it takes a bad situation to come up to make people want to speak up. However, I understand the probable fear that overcomes people and stops them from defending themselves. With all the accusations lately it makes me think about everyone else who has  dealt with similar problems but can’t aay anything.  I can’t believe that people could get away with something so horrible. From what I’ve seen, people are inspired to speak up about their past experiences and I hope people continue to do so. I also hope that people don’t take these events as an excuse to make a fake story for attention. There are so people who would do something like that and I just hope it doesn’t take away from the people have or are suffering.


  1. Olivia Wall- I think that it is awful that people deny things that have happened, and it is sad that he hasn't;t spoken up for forty years!

  2. I agree, we need to encourage the abused to point out their abusers instead of interrogating them back into silence.

  3. This is awful and abuse needs to stop.

  4. It's so terrible that people get abused and that the abuser denies anything that has happened. This needs to stop.
