Monday, November 27, 2017

Brooke Simpson-15,200 Children Arrive in Europe On Own as Migrant Crisis Deepens

15,200 Children Arrive in Europe On Own as Migrant Crisis Deepens

More than 15,200 children arrived in Europe after going through dangerous journeys to get there according to the United Nations.  Almost 150,000 people went to Europe January-September of 2017 looking for new lives according to the U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, which is under half of 2016, but the governments of these countries with the highest immigration levels are having a hard time processing arrivals and preventing children from being exploited.  The report from the U.N. also said that children were part of the 3,000 people who died or are missing at sea since January this year, and many children have been orphaned.  Though flow of migrants has slowed some since last year, many are still in camps and shelters waiting for the asylum application process.  Many families are fleeing conflict from ISIS in Iraq and Syria.  The UNHCR also said that there are lots of different routes being taken, so if shorter routs are closed, refugees will be forced to seek longer and deadlier alternatives.  Many children and adults are suffering in horrible and unsanitary conditions.  Libyan officials are finding that African migrants are being sold as slaves before they can try crossing the sea to Europe.

The article was written by Alastair Jamieson for NBC News on November 27, 2017.  Because I don’t live in Europe, I didn’t know how many people were trying to migrate to Europe, I’ve only heard loose vague terms, but this article gave exact numbers, which was very informative.  The article was written for people anywhere concerned about Europe’s migrant influxes in the recent years.  The article was written because the author wanted people to know how many people and children were making the journey to Europe to escape conflict.  The article doesn’t tell about these people’s journeys or how they do in Europe, it focuses on numbers and statistics.  The article can be compared to United States history in the early 1800s when Irish immigrants came to America seeking better lives and to escape the famine that had hit their country, but these people are leaving much worse, many of them ISIS.  The United States had to find a way to deal with all these people, and how to regulate their entry to the country, which is what is happening now in Europe.

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