A middle school football team in virgins ended its season a little early after a racist video was made by some of the players. Fox News describes that the video included white boys simukating sex acts on their black peers while shouting racial slurs. While the school did decide to forfeit their last theee games the president of the Henrico county chapter of the NAACP, Frank J Thornton, is afraid the distric won’t Face the root of the problem. The school board issued a letter stating they are working to prevent similar situations from happening.
This is happening way to frequently for my liking. Is it normal now for children to be racist and hateful. This is mind blowing. We have to step up. We have to say something. We can’t keep letting this happen. If we don’t racism is just going to keep getting passed on from generation to generation. It’s crazy that this isn’t even high schoolers it’s preteens. This article was written to inform us that our country is making any improvements on its racism. this article is SO important because it shows us that ya just sitting back and staying quiet is helping anybody. As the United States we we supposeed to set the standard as a nation for what we want the next generations to be and with our current commander in chief I don’t know if that’s going to be 100% accomplished. We need to help the younger ones around us and change our generation around. We can’t be known as the ones who let racist get away with it because of their age.
I agree. These racial happenings are going on too often. Kids these days are blindsided that these racial comments and actions are terrible.
ReplyDeleteI am in disbelief. There has been more and more racism lately, and the fact that younger people are initiating this racism is even more surprising! This definitely needs to be fixed.
ReplyDeleteI think its crazy that young people, who are supposed to be the future of this country, think its ok to say and do things like that. I hope that these kids learn how wrong they were, but if they don't, that somebody else does because acting like that is not ok.
ReplyDeleteBrooke Simpson