Monday, October 30, 2017

Trump's Transgender Ban Blocked - Jacob Meazle

Written: By Tom Vanden Brook 10/30/17 at 5:01 PM

Summary: On Monday, a federal judge blocked President Trump's ban on transgender service in the military. This prevents the Pentagon from overturning principles put in place by the Obama administration. The judge found out that the transgender ban violated the transgender people's right to due process, and thus found it unconstitutional.

Position: This relates to the eventual victory of women's suffrage in the 20s. What has happened is that yet another attempt at discrimination from President Trump has been denied, and he's finding (or should be noticing) that America is not a company. This country needs a politician, not a businessman. This is a country, not a fortune 500.


  1. I don't understand why our President would try to pass hateful laws. It makes me very heartbroken.

  2. Kudos to the judge that blocked this ban because the reason for it is ridiculous. Everyone should be treated equal in this world and not degraded.

  3. That judge used the power of Judicial review established by john marshall in marbury v. madison. smart dude
