Monday, October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey apologizes for alleged sexual assault with a minor- Katelyn Thompson

This article was published by CNN, written by Madison Park on October 30. In the most recent news, actor Kevin Spacey was accused by Antony Rapp for sexual assault. Rapp was 14 at the time while Spacey was 26. Rapp said that Spacey put him on the bed and "was trying to get with him sexually". When Spacey heard this, he sent out a response via twitter. He said he honestly did not remember the encounter but if it was true, he apologizes for what would have been drunken behavior. Then Spacey makes a comment about how he "choose now to live as a gay man". This is the first time that the actor has officially released a statement about his sexuality.
When I first read this article, I was happy that this is a rare occasion where a predator will apologize for sexually assaulting someone. But then the subject is changed. Spacey is now officially coming out. This is clear evidence that Spacey is trying to distract the press from his sexual assault allegations. Everyone is happy that Spacey has now realized his true sexual orientation, but it seems awfully that convenient that he would come out right as he is being accused. Also his apology isn't sitting well with people. 'No amount of drunkenness can excuse or explain away assaulting a 14 year old child," according to Dan Savage. This is related back to when  women would be oppressed while men came up with excuses for it in the 1920's. if a woman was sexually assault or raped, nearly anything can get a man off of the spotlight.

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