Summary: Snoop Dogg has released a track in response to Trump's attitudes towards serious issues we face today. Snoop Dogg says that Trump's neglection of certain communites has taken them back to the segregation era when no one was there for the people so they banded together to support one another (black panther party/crips). Because of this, Snoop Dogg has recommended that the African Americans of the football community form their own league since they aren't being represented correctly.
Synthesis: Eminem, another hip-hop artist, has also recently spoken out against Trump in his freestyle. Because of this platform, people can better see the frustration many Americans deal with because of Trump. Listening to music is something everyone has in common so by voicing opinions through song, we can awaken and teach those who need it.
Analysis: Snoop Dogg's story accurately depicts how many people feel. Trump wants to make America great again but in reality, he's only making America face the same problems that once hurt our nation. No one wants to see years and years of hard work be thrown away all because of one how one person decides to guide the people. When a mistake is made, you should grow from it instead of repeating it. I hope people can look at these artists and follow their lead instead of the leadership of one wrong person. There are still people who care about the voices of the people and who genuinely are looking out for them. With support, we can accomplish our goals and continue to grow in a better direction.
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