Monday, October 3, 2016

Jenna Pitre - "Breastfeeding Mom Claims An Officer Threatened To Arrest Her"

Summary: Very recently, a mom breastfeeding her 1-month-old son while grocery shopping in Columbus, Georgia was threatened with arrest by a police officer who found her actions offensive. The woman calmly reminded the officer that Georgia law states moms are allowed to breastfeed their children on any property they're authorized to be on. The officer however, became flustered and tried to tell the woman that she only thought she knew what the law said. They argued back and forth as the officer tried to get the woman to cover up, while she attempted to remind him of the law. It ended with the woman walking out and her story going viral.

Analysis/Synthesis: This makes me angry. Breastfeeding is a natural part of life, and breasts are not inherently sexual, therefore public breastfeeding should NOT be an issue. If you're uncomfortable watching a mom breastfeed in public, either look away or leave, because it's a completely legal action in all 50 states. If you get a hard on from watching a woman breastfeed her infant, I find YOU offensive and disgusting. Also, if you're going to argue with a civilian that you know their rights better than they do when they're telling you EXACTLY WHAT THE LAW STATES BUT YOU"RE TOO FLUSTERED TO CONCEDE SO YOU KEEP ARGUING A VERY FALSE AND OBVIOUSLY WRONG POINT, THEN WHY DO YOU WORK IN LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE YOU JOKING RN?! This can be connected to an incident in 2006 when a mother was kicked off of a plane for publicly breastfeeding her child, sparking controversy all around the U.S.

Link to the article:


  1. Breastfeeding is a natural function that shouldn't be discriminated against so harshly. It's sad that the people who are supposed to uphold the law don't even completely understand it.

  2. I totally agree. I also thought your opinion was slightly amusing by how blunt you were. It's interesting how over-sexualized women are and it's totally ok for there to be strip clubs with naked women but if a mother wants to feed her newborn child it becomes disgusting. Totally ridiculous. The officer should ask his mother her opinion just so he can find out he was also breast fed. Wow what a concept! It's not like that's what breasts are for or anything...
