Sunday, October 30, 2016

Kyla Thomas (1st Period)- Go scare yourself! It's good for you

Summary: This article discusses the benefits of being scared. In the wake of Halloween, I thought that this topic would be a good one to discuss. Research shows that people are naturally drawn to horror and scary things. Research also shows that being scared is healthy. The rush of adrenaline gets the brain flooded with dopamine, which is a chemical that floods the brain when you're in love or taking illicit drugs. Some people really like to be on a natural high and constantly be on their toes. This creates desensitization to the person if they're used to being scared. Violence can also ground you to reality. Research shows that watching scary things with groups of people will make a person feel like they have accomplished something when the scary thing is over. This also can contribute to the idea that they are brave which will, in turn, make them more adventurous. Although being scared has its advantages, you should never force another person to have that same mentality. It make take people a while to feel comfortable to watch a scary movie or go through a haunted house so never force anyone to do anything that they don't want to do.

Analysis: I believe that this is a very interesting article. It shows that being scared is not such a bad thing after all. It also teaches the reader that we should be more adventurous and be willing to do things out of the normal. In relation to history, the hellish art of 15th century Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch has been popular for a while. His horrifying art was displayed in churches and it sent terrifying message to the church people.


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