Monday, October 24, 2016

Joshua Klein

    This article summarizes the political actions taken by the two candidates since the third presidential debate. It mostly focus on, the battleground state, Florida. It talks about how Donald Trump has been campaigning and assaulting rivaling presidential candidate Secretary Clinton. He is reiterating on his relief that Hillary Clinton is a liar and that the media and polling system are “rigged”. Secretary Clinton had counter rallies in Florida along with Senator Elizabeth Warren.


As I read this article I said: wait a minute haven't I read this before, however I had not read it before ,rather I had seen a correlation between every single article about Donald Trump I have ever read. All of the articles I have read about Trump contain a vulgar comment to some group of people, usually minorities and then conclude with the aftermath of the statement. I think that the president of the United State of America can not discriminatory especially in a time where America is more diverse than ever. As a result of these actions, as it should be, Trumps is falling even farther behind in the Polls.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I have to say is that Trump has fueled his own downfall and corrupted his own campaign.
