Sunday, October 30, 2016

Isabella Bruner-Supreme Court to Hear Transgender Bathroom Case

Recently the Supreme Court is dealing with a case of transgender issues of public bathrooms. With a Virginia high school student Gavin Grimm addressing the issue. He was born a female but, has gone under hormone therapy and changed his name. He was allowed to use the boy’s restroom until 2014 with the school's board petition making him go to the unisex bathroom in the nurse's office. "I continue to suffer daily because of the school board's decision to make my bathroom use a matter of public debate. I feel the humiliation every time I need to use the restroom and every minute I try to 'hold it' in the hopes of avoiding the long walk to the nurse's office. And the humiliation can come when I least expect it." he says.  As many of these cases have a big variation of affect, as schools in North Carolina, people have to go the restroom from what’s on their birth certificate. But, the U.S. Department of Justice sued the state as it violated the civil rights act and Violence against Women’s Act. 

The Associated Press

This article written by Gabrielle Levy on October/28/2016 talks about this issues that transgender people have to face on a day-to-day basis. This affects us and our generation of people and how to face these issues. With more and more people being free and being comfortable in their own skin it’s come to the problem of public bathrooms. Most of the arguments are torn into two, with one side looking at their genitals and the others looking at their personality and looks. For me, I don't care, whatever makes them happy, I'm okay with it. I just don't see the big issue for it to go all the way to the Supreme Court. I guess, some people are difficult of change and that's why it takes a while to change something. This article can relate to the Civil Rights movement with the separation on blacks to whites. With different schools, water fountains, and bathrooms everyone needs to have equal rights. With the movement to stop the difference of skin color, sex, religion, and race is it a difficult problem to overcome but, we have already gotten so far, we can still do a lot more.

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