Monday, October 31, 2016

Josie Guthrey- Fossilized Dinosaur Brain!

Back in 2004, an amateur fossil hunter, Jamie Hiscocks, almost threw away an amazing discovery for mistaking it for a pebble. Much later discovered, the shiny rock was identified as a 130 million year old dinosaur brain! Scientists are amazed that such a soft-tissued organ was preserved for this long! They believe it was because the dinosaur died in a mud-like terrain where there was a lack of oxygen. Although we've always known dinosaurs had brains, actually finding one is an amazing breakthrough! More studies have shown that the brain is similar to a modern crocodile or birds.

As a science lover, I find this news amazing! This discovery reveals so much more about the life on Earth 100s of thousands of years ago. Hopefully, it can shed some light of the many questions we have!


  1. This is super cool! I always assumed that dinosaurs had gigantic brains.

  2. Wowowow! Discovering things about the past is so interesting, especially when it happened so long ago.

  3. This is amazing news! This fossil can help us learn so many things and is just very interesting.
