Monday, October 3, 2016

Mollie Hamman - Freedom!

Last year 90-year-old Norma Bauerschmidt was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and instead of taking chemotherapy she decided to take the road trip of a life time visiting 34 states and traveling more than 13,000 miles. Her daughter-in-law was helping her along the way, getting her a wheelchair and making a Facebook account to keep her family up to date. People absolutely loved her story and the account reached 440,000 followers. They were invited to many events such as a basket ball game with the Atlanta Hawks, and many had her over for dinner. This is a wonderful story of a woman who chose to live her life doing things that she loves independent of traditional medicine.

This relates to U.S. history illustrating the spirit of the American settlers that lead to the revolution. Instead of wanting to keep living off of Britain, the setttlers wanted broke away from them to live their own life independent of Britain's government. 

Norma Bauerschmidt and her dog in a car


  1. This is a beautiful story and shows how people will make the best of a hard/tough situation

  2. It is inspiring to hear of a woman, faced with such a tragedy, living in such a blissful way. I am glad that she has her family to support her through her journey and that others have rallied around her. We need to learn a lesson: even though we may have problems, we need to relax and learn to live. Life is not about the issues and bad things, it is about how we deal with them and turn them into good things. I really am touched by this story.
