Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Brittney Delpey: Rich People Spend Money on Underground Survival Bunkers

            The author of this article is Daniel Jennings who writes for Off the Grid News. He remains unbiased and informative throughout the article.  This was published on September 29th 2016 regarding bunkers being built throughout 2016 and present day. Most of the bunkers are being built in California although one was built in Minneapolis. This was written to inform American people about the rising suspicions of attacks and how the rich are handling it. It's somewhat entertaining to hear about the elaborate bunkers but It's also scary because many are taking action to future detrimental events that could possibly happen.

              The article talks about how rich and famous people such as Bill Gates are spending million of dollars on underground survival bunkers in case future events destruct the upper-ground. The bunkers the article discusses about range from $112,000 to $100 million. It does discuss non private bunkers but it mostly focuses on the rich and famous peoples personal bunkers. Bill Gates takes it to an extreme by building shelters under every single home he owns-which I would imagine is quite multiple. The main threats these people are worried about include terrorist attacks, riots, World War III, economic decline/collapse, class warfare, and even political chaos because of the present Clinton vs. Trump campaign. Although these are negative events/assumptions and scare people into building bunkers, there is a positive side for some people. Companies Rising S Bunkers and Creative Home Engineering are making a lot of profit from building these bunkers. Sales have increased by 150% just in 2016! This can connect back to the 1940's-50's when citizens were paranoid that Russia would drop a nuclear bomb on the U.S. so they would build bomb shelters underground to take cover in case it occurred.

               Prior Knowledge: I didn't have any prior knowledge that people were building such elaborate bunkers but I did assume with all of the recent terrorist attacks that people were probably building bunkers and shelters for a "worst case scenario" like they did back then in the 40's and 50's.



  1. I think that these bunkers are all well and good except if the time comes and the rich keep these bunkers exclusive. Who should and shouldn't be safe in case of emergency should not be determined by who can afford to build a mega-expensive bunker.

  2. well, I agree with these people on building bunkers. I also agree with the fact that because they have so much money, why can't they try and build them for others and not just save themselves?
