Monday, September 5, 2016

The Death of Senior Leader al-Adnani Caps Bad Month for ISIS- Abby Pryor Period 8


One of the most important leaders of ISIS, Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, recently died. This is one of many contributing factors to the pressures that ISIS is currently facing. He was the spokesman of ISIS, and was the first to declare the 'caliphate', or Islamic state. Al-Adnani was killed while supervising battle lines in northern Syria. Even though there are many factors contributing to the possible downfall of ISIS, it is too early to discount the group's opportunities to exploit. His death is a major blow to ISIS, for he was their emir in Syria for more than 3 years and was the organizer of plots against Europe. Al-Adnani was one of the key deputies of the chief of ISIS. The terrorist group's territory has shrunken by 15%, which shows that they are losing control. 


In my opinion, if ISIS keeps losing their power, then it could keep leading to the downfall of their power. The death of a major leader such as Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, is only one of the contributing factors to this theory. ISIS is losing their land, and their territory is the factor to much of their power. Important leaders and lots of land is what has been keeping this terrorist group going. It will be interesting to see if they crumble, or regain their strength as a group.


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