Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ciaja Beck. How will artificial intelligence affect urban life in 2030? 4th period

Summary: On September 9, 2016 , Harvard Professor Barbara GRosz chairs Al100 Standing Committee which has released its first report examining how advances in artificial intelligence might affect urban life in 2030. Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence such as visual perception , speech recognition , decision making and translation between languages .Harvard Professor states that "Now is the time to consider the design ethical and policy challenges that AI technologies raise , If we tackle these issues now and take them seriously, we will have systems that are better designed in the future and more appropriate police to guide their use."

Analysis I totally disagree, for this technology will create massive hardships affecting jobs and incomes and other issues that we should begin addressing now to make certain that the benefits of AI will be beneficial .Also questions will arise with issues of culpability and accountability, "Who will be responsible if a self driven car crashes or maybe when a device collapse or explode ?"Will Artificial Intelligence shape and improve life and societies or will it be the next step to harming man-kind ?

1 comment:

  1. You have a good point, if you just replace people with technology then there would be no jobs and way much more poverty in communities.
