Monday, September 26, 2016

Anna Czyzewski - Violent Crime Rate Rises

Summary: When new data describing the crime rates of 2015 was released recently, alarming information hit the public. Compared to 2014, violent crimes have gone up 3.9% and the murder rate 10.8%. Although this was to be expected with the rise of violence in cities like Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington. As if to give solace to us, the FBI has stressed that the rates are still below 2006 and 2011. Unfortunately, data from the first six months of 2016 shows increasing violence in several large cities.

Analysis: Published on the same day as the first presidential debate between Clinton and Trump, this article stresses the severity of violent crimes and the fact that they're such a commonplace in our lives today. No doubt the violence brought upon the black community by the police force has affected the rate quite a bit. So, with every era of chaos and upheaval, it is only to be expected to have somewhat large differences in data and crime rates, although that's not good at all. Just like during the beginning of the American Revolution, devoid of any "real" war, violence erupted and slowly led to freedom.


1 comment:

  1. It is really scary that crime rates are going up. Even though we must make sure that the police are not abusing their power, we also need to make it clear that they can still do their job without the risk of getting labeled by stereotypical stigma. I think that the police are almost afraid to do their job because of all of the shootings and protests. However, we still need to appreciate the police force because they are the people that protect us daily. These increasing crime rates show us how important law enforcement is to our safety.
