Sunday, September 25, 2016

Alyssa Sartuche- Man dies of dehydration in jail

An inmate dies of thirst in a jail run by a loudly pro trump sheriff
Posted on September 19, 2016
By Ryan J. Reilly

Summary:  Terrill Thomas was found dead in Milwaukee Country jail at age 38 on April 24. This happened only one days after being arrested for a connection with a shooting. The other inmates say that they heard him beg for water but didn't do anything about it. Authorities reported it as a homicide   caused by" profound dehydration".

Analysis: I think is is just awful and needs to stop happening. Ever since  Sandra Blend died in a Texas jail in 2015 over 800 hundreds deaths in jails have been filed. I think this is not okay even if they did a crime it's bad enough they are in jail with already poor conditions but to worsen it without giveing them water is just wrong. The sherriff should be the one to be in jail now because what he did is an act of crime. Making a another human being suffer and die is a crime.


  1. Kiri Luckey: Wow this is crazy! I think they should have gave the poor man something to drink. The police officer should have some consequences for his actions.

  2. I agree, I think no matter who you are or what your job is I think you suffer the consequences. Even if you are an official of some sort you out off all people should know what the consequences are. - Skyler Tepedino
