Sunday, August 28, 2016

Kennedy Waterman - What University of Texas Campus is Saying About Concealed Guns

A new law in Texas is allowing concealed handguns to be brought on college campuses. Professors aren't allowed to confiscate them, or even ask who has them. At UT, there is plenty of controversy. One student, a gun proponent, says he carries it with him wherever he can. He doesn't want to have to use it, but he feels safer with it on him, comparing it to a seat belt or a fire extinguisher. Another student, a gun opponent, feels that class discussions will now be held in fear of disagreement, and students will hesitate to speak their mind knowing that anyone around them could have a gun. A professor is worried about accidents, and an administrator doesn't want the campus to "look like a war zone."

The author, Dave Philipps, provides a neutral point of view by giving both sides of the argument. The article was posted on August 27th, which shows that students are having to deal with this issue just as school starts. Before reading this article, I knew there was plenty of controversy regarding the subject of guns and gun control, which allowed for better comprehension of the problem. The article was written mainly concerning college students, parents, teachers, and administrators in Texas. Because the article is neutral, it really depends on your views on the matter. The article was written to inform Texans of what's going on in the college campuses. The main idea of the article is that whether you like it or not, the new law states that concealed handguns are allowed on campus. It's important because it may be a deciding factor on what college students decide to go to in the future. I assume that many people will disagree with the law and protest. This can be tied into the Second Amendment, which is the right to bear arms, along with past mass shootings that make people question gun control laws, such as Sandy Hook.


  1. I really enjoyed how the author of the article truly has a neutral point of view. It makes it easier for all of the readers to understand and comprehend both sides of the story.

  2. Very informative and topical. This strenuous debate seems to have no end at this point because everyone seems has an opinion on the matter. And as Liam said, having that neutral view is very useful for us readers who just want the clean cut version of the story.

  3. Its is interesting how the view points are so different. The supporters feel safe with the guns but that is what makes the opponents feel so unsafe.
