Monday, August 29, 2016

Josie Guthrey-EpiPen Prices

EpiPen Prices sky rocket over the past few weeks. Since 2009, Mylan has raised the price for EpiPens 15 times. The prices have gone up 400% from the original price 7 years ago. Many people are outraged. A generic version has been forced to be released at a 50% discount to its prices at the moment.

Many people need EpiPens to save their life, so these prices outrageous.  Even though they have released coupons that may decreased the price by $300, they still aren't lowering the prices. Personally, i think it is not very smart and only causes more problems. EpiPens are needs for many people and can save lives, so these prices are only making the problem worse. Hopefully, in the future, Mylan realizes their mistake.


  1. I agree entirely. This is just another way that corporations are becoming to big for their britches and over extending their power on the helpless piglets sucking their metaphorical EpiPen teat. Im sick of the blatant lies they give about how much their product is worth.

    also you took my topic josie. You took it from me like the big companies take money out of the pockets of the helpless.

  2. This article makes me mad. Why can't we just have free healthcare like Canada?! It would make people lives so much easier with already having to pay for food, a home, car, clothes, bills, and taxes. These big companies are more worried about how much money they are getting then the people they are helping.

  3. Something as important as an EpiPen should be affordable for everyone who needs it. It's honestly just greedy for the price to be raised by that significant of a margin.
    -Gracie Darlington

  4. I really agree with this. Corporations are risking the lives of innocent people who need this medication to live in order for their own personal gain. This saddens me greatly that someone would risk another person's life for their own personal gain. This is a poor reflection on the American medical industry. -Maggie Gibson

  5. Its so sad seeing how big corporations focus solely on money and not on the well being of their customers. Pharmaceuticals that peoples lives depend on should be made an affordable and reasonable price.
