Monday, August 29, 2016

Zia Bella Blair- LGBTQ proposal at the Olympics

Although the Brazilian Rugby team only placed 9th in the 2016 Olympics, there was still reason to celebrate for player Isadora Cerullo. Her girlfriend of two years, Marjorie Enya, proposed to her in the stadium. The whole team was supportive and did their part by holding up balloons to help. Enya said that she wasn't nervous to be so public about it, and was excited to spread the message that "Love wins." This is a happy story but there is still many places around the world where same-sex marriage is illegal and homosexuality is punishable by death.

This is not unlike the rules in Maryland, when New England was colonized. It granted religious freedom (to an extent) to the new colonizers. Even though the law was changed, people's mindsets were harder to change just like the reactions to the law legalizing gay-marriage. We as people need to be accepting to all, no matter sexual-orientation or religion.


  1. This story is very heartwarming. Your summary made the article more interesting and captivating. This story is so genuine and I'm so happy that a LGBTQ couple could be so public with their proposal, and have the audience support them.

  2. It's nice to see positive things like this in the news. It's so sweet that the whole team supported them and helped with the proposal. Imagine how good it would feel to compete in the Olympics and be proposed to on the same day.
    -Gracie Darlington

  3. Its great to see how confident they were and how far we've come recently. And despite the fact that there are still some places that aren't as accepting, hopefully, things like this will help positively influence them.

  4. The Olympics are such a big deal and lots of people watch it, so when she proposed it was a very big deal for them, especially since they're a LGBTQ couple. I imagine it's very encouraging to have your teammates support and love you just the same.
