Monday, August 29, 2016

Gracie Darlington "Interracial couple in Washington stabbed after they are seen kissing"

Last week, an innocent interracial couple was attacked by a self proclaimed white supremacist after seen kissing. 32 year old Daniel Rowe, proudly tattooed with "skinhead" and "white power", witnessed the African-American man and the white woman kissing outside of a restaurant in Washington and stabbed them both. Both the man and the woman were able to escape with only minor injuries, as the man was able to tackle Rowe and restrain him. Rowe confessed to the crime in addition to complaining about the Black Lives Matter movement and calling himself a white supremacist. Rowe has been charged with two counts of first degree assault and charged with committing a hate crime. He has been placed in jail with a $500,000 bail and his court date is scheduled for tomorrow, August 30th. 

This article is trying to inform the reader about just one of the countless terrible hate crimes that have been occurring in the United States for centuries. It's shocking and heart breaking to think that things like this are still happening in our country, and the author is trying to convey the message of just how ridiculous it is that people still have this state of mind. This article shines a light on just how important the Black Lives Matter movement is today. Hopefully it will have a positive influence on its readers, potentially inspiring them to get active in the movement. This can relate to the hate crimes committed by the KKK. Both events were committed by white supremacists and both were extremely racist.


  1. You'd think by now that people would learn, but here we are, 2016 and people are getting stabbed because of an interracial couple.

  2. I completely agree with your analysis. It is completely heart breaking and unbelievable that things like this are still happening.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with Isabella, you'd think that people these days are more lenient and don't really care of who your in a relationship with, these days you would get judged for it. -Skyler Tepedino

  5. I completely agree with your analysis. The Black Lives Matter movement is important and hate crimes are getting more and more serious. This article will hopefully inspire people to join the movement and spread positivity around race. It's crazy to think that things and people like this exist

  6. I also agree with her analysis. I think it is completely horrible and awful that even after all of the movements and protests, people are still racist and unforgiving

  7. I too agree, the Black Lives Matter movement is very important and it pains me to hear that people think that the organization is a separatist group. It just goes to show you should learn more about something before you say anything.

  8. Things like this make it feel like I just hopped in a time machine and went back in time to 1955. It's absolutely appalling to think people like this still exist.

  9. This is horrifying. It is 2016 and two people can't be together just because skin color. Something needs to change.
