Monday, August 29, 2016

Devyn Lemack- Football Player Sits During National Anthem

 Summary:The past few weeks football player, Colin Kaepernic has been sitting down for the Star Spangled Banner.  This past game that they just had is when it became a big deal. Kaepernic believes that America is not something to be proud of right now. Specifically, he is upset with the number of African-American men being killed by police. When there is significant change in this country, and America represents what it should represent, then he will stand for the anthem.  Others believe that he is not appreciative of the freedom that we Americans have and does not know what America is all about.

Analysis/Synthesis:This article was most likely written to highlight a very controversial topic in our culture right now. What  Colin doesn't understand is how blessed he is to be playing a sport that he loves. He may not be happy about a few things that are going on, but that doesn't paint the whole picture of what our country is about. For many people, the Star Spangled Banner represents freedom and the sacrifices of many people who died for our country. This controversy is similar to an event that took place at the olympics a few decades ago when athletes raised their hand with a black glove during the national anthem as form of protest. This article was posted on August 28, 2016, which means its recent news and needs to be brought to people's attention.


  1. That takes great courage to tell everyone why you are not proud of america and a different way to show it too.

  2. I agree with your thinking, yes it's understandable to be upset but he is helping represent the U.S. so he should still be proud for the opportunity he has gotten.

  3. Controversial as it may be it is a bold statement and is bringing awareness to his view.

  4. I was really confused about the "big deal" of this making news. The reason being, many of the same people who got mad at him for not standing to represent the flag, are the same people who were upset that Gabby Douglas didn't place her hand over heart during the national anthem..... without knowing the cause.

  5. I was really confused about the "big deal" of this making news. The reason being, many of the same people who got mad at him for not standing to represent the flag, are the same people who were upset that Gabby Douglas didn't place her hand over heart during the national anthem..... without knowing the cause.
