In the days that have followed the gruesome attacks on Paris, many people have cried out in love and adoration for those that lost their lives, or even for the grieving family, friends, and co-workers. So many stories have been published about the events happening that night; interviews, eye-witnesses, those attacked, and the in-between claims of ownership on the events that night. An unremarkably short summary might say something to the extent that a terrorist group (assumed) hit up a number of local businesses, and murdered, maimed, and severally injured a multitude of workers and customers inside to spread the coalition of fear and destruction amidst a peaceful community. The prevailing question that has since been left unanswered; What does the future of France hold? From here, what does, literally, the "future" of France hold? What happens to the youth that thrived and lived in a seemingly isolated bubble from the horrors of the world?
I synthesize this to the Brooks attack on Sumner with an eleven ounce cane, broken and bloodied after. The Congressional House, a place of quiet and peace (at least physically) was interrupted in the most violent, fictional manner, ending in an unconscious man and wide debate over the judicial sentence for either parties. I go farther to say that in recent years, an alarming increase in attacks on civilians in large numbers has started to become a reality, that the threat of a world War III (Civil War) is stepping inch by inch to our mind's threshold. This leaves our future in the balance of string, and from here, which side will interrupt the balance so drastically that both must fight for dominance?
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