Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nicholas Godfrey Period 8: Newborn Baby Found Buried Under Asphalt

Summary: Two sisters were walking on a popular path in Compton when one of them heard the crying of a baby. The other sister just dismissed it saying that it sounded like a cat. The one who heard the baby was persistent and they found a newborn baby buried alive under some debris on the path. They called the police and the police have said that the baby was born within 36-48 hours before it was uncovered. They said that if that child hadn't been found by that night, then it would have died and is even lucky to be alive now. LA County has a program where parents can surrender their child to any hospital in the county or any fire department and there won't be any questions asked. This makes the police wonder what was the motive to why they didn't just surrender it. There's evidence that the baby was born at a hospital because of the blanket that it was wrapped in.

Analysis: No matter what the reason was, these parents burying their child is truly horrifying and I'm pretty sure almost anybody would agree with me. What was messed up that they couldn't just give it to the hospital? I'm glad that they found the child in time but thinking about it, how is the kid going to feel when they grow up and learn that their birth parents tried to kill them? That's going to end up being earth shattering for them. My mom adopted two kids a few years ago: a 6 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. My little brother, now 7 years old, thinks that my mom is his real mother so I know that my mom has struggled with thinking of how they are going to be able to break the news to him so I can't imagine how these parents are going to feel when they will have to tell them. When reading this, it reminded me of a part in The Wordy Shipmates when the mother was so distressed with if she was going to heaven or hell, so she killed her child to ensure that she would go to hell so she could have closure. This is an example that shows how people have these insane thoughts that make sense in the moment and do something rash and horrible.



  1. Thank goodness those women found the baby!! You said that some insane thoughts make sense in the moment. If crime officials could incorporate physiology and mental patterns of those that make these rash decisions, then maybe we could work towards preventing events like this.

    Lauren Bush; 9th

  2. This article is very alarming because there are so many different ways to give away your baby (with no guilt or shame) if you really don't have a desire to have it anymore. They should look more into their behavior patterns and make sure they are mentally stable.
    -Julianne Swaykus 6

  3. im so glad that a miracle happened and the baby was lucky to have survived. i don't understand why people are so carless and don't just give up the baby safely, but at least the baby survived and will hopefully live a better life then what it would've lived with the original mother.
