Thursday, November 26, 2015

Man reinvestigates disappearance of his brother- Emily Miller

A man goes back to his childhood home in Phoenix, Arizona, to reinvestigate the mysterious 1974 disappearance of his younger brother Gary. The case was re-opened in the 1990s when the house was searched for clues, but unfortunately, nothing turned up. A recent tip has inspired police to re-open the investigation again.
Gary's brother, Guy, describes the circumstances surrounding the disappearance. Their mother was beating 6 year old Gary in her bedroom, and Guy never saw Gary after that. His mom refused to talk about Gary. She abused her children, and as Guy recalls, once stabbed Gary with a fork. Now she lives in an elderly facility and still refuses to give information about Gary.
Her children seek answers about Gary's disappearance to this day. They assume that their mom killed Gary, but what would she have done with his body? The house has been searched multiple times and no one has been able to uncover any incriminating evidence.
In hopes of gaining fresh insight on the case, Guy consulted a psychic. She was able to point the police in one potential direction- looking in the concrete in the backyard. Maybe Gary is buried in the concrete, the psychic speculated. So the investigation has been re-opened, and the police are digging into the concrete.

The entire situation is horrifying. I can't imagine how traumatizing and confusing Gary's disappearance must have been for his siblings. It makes me wonder how the treatment of children has changed over time. Up until a few decades ago, it was okay to inflict physical harm on children to punish them. Now, child abuse is a legal issue and is taken very seriously.


  1. I really hope that family can find peace, and closure to this issue. Child abuse is truly a terrible thing.

  2. It is always horrifying when a mother abuses her own children, and it is terrible for siblings to not know what happened to their brother. I find it interesting that his case was opened in account of information told by a psychic.
    -Isabella Montague 5th period
