Monday, November 30, 2015

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shootings-Molly Mitchell 5th


The recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs reportedly resulted in 3 deaths, one of which was Iraq veteran Ke'Arre Stewart. Apparently, only minutes before the shooting Stewart learned that his wife was pregnant with his third child. According to reports his military training kicked in and he was able to save many lives before his own was taken. The other victims, Officer Garrett Swasey and Jennifer Markovsky, both were parents and married.


The shootings at planned parenthood were truly nothing more than a horrible disaster, and the shooter is to blame. The fact that he could just walk into a place and kill three people is terrifying, and although it may say that we have a right to bear arms in the constitution, I'm pretty tired of hearing about these tragedies and having no improvement to show.



  1. I agree that no real improvement ever seems to happen after shooting, and although constitutional rights are important, I think avoiding the deaths of innocent people is much more important. -Claudia Anthony

  2. Ke'Arre Stewart will always be remembered as a hero, whether it be in war or senseless terrorism. It's a shame to see people die because of one person's actions.
    Maddie Hanratty
