H&M the famous Swedish fashion retailer recently unleashed a brand new advertisement future generations and Islamic model wearing a hijab. The model at first was concerned that the company would not listen to her wishes about not wearing form fitting clothing considering it is against her beliefs. Thankfully H&M was very kinda and respectful. The model was at first worried that she would get hate for the advertisement but over all has gotten lots of love.
Everyone should just respect and understand other people's religions and beliefs. The only thing that comes out of hate is war and sadness. Religious tolerance is why certain states were formed here in the U.S. So let's keep that mindset. All men (and women) are infact created equal.
Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Adriana Hinojosa, 8th period, Turning Tables
We are in 2015. We are the most advanced we have ever been with technology especially when it comes to streaming. Ever since the creation of the iPod we have had the luxury of having all of our favorite tunes at our fingertips. But just like clothing fads have reverted to old ways, so have music fads. Although we have the ability to in essence listen to ANYTHING we want EVERYWHERE we like having vinyl. Why? Maybe it is the nostalgic static-y sound and it might be just a hip trend. I personally do listen to a lot of vinyl because of the records I have accumulated over the years from what my dad used to own or from some I've bought. The reason I love to listen to records is because you kind of force yourself to listen to full albums and so you learn if you really like that artist or not. Sure, you can listen to full albums on Apple Music but it is much easier to jump from song to song than it is on vinyl. Record sales have been booming in these past several years to the point where there are more records being sold than there are being produced. I think it is also a symbolic thing of having the music physically in your hands that brings this odd satisfaction, much like that of holding a paperback book as opposed to an eBook. History always repeats itself and I think my generation especially is very much influenced by others.
I think it is interesting how much faster our society is advancing than us, we can't keep up. We advance so quickly especially in things like technology but a lot of us find tradition ways of doing things really satisfying and comforting. I wonder if music-streaming will be something nostalgic for generations to come or if vinyl will still be held as an epitomizing object for many generations of the past and will be greatly appreciated.
I think it is interesting how much faster our society is advancing than us, we can't keep up. We advance so quickly especially in things like technology but a lot of us find tradition ways of doing things really satisfying and comforting. I wonder if music-streaming will be something nostalgic for generations to come or if vinyl will still be held as an epitomizing object for many generations of the past and will be greatly appreciated.
Amaya Avila 8 pd. Three Cannons Found in South Carolina River
Just recently in the Pee Dee River discovered three gun cannons
used in the civil war nearly 150 years ago. These guns had been thrown
overboard before the boat was set on fire by the Confederate crew, who wanted
to avoid the enemies to obtain their boat. Over the course of 150 years the
cannons had thrived under salt water and layers of mud at the bottom of the
river. Due to the security of the mud, the cannons are in pristine shape, there
are very legible official stamps to prove the authenticity if their history.
Unfortunately, there are no photographs or documentation of the vessel exist
which can create debate for boat.
I think it's really fascinating that historic artifacts such as
these can be rediscovered. These findings can continue the memory of our
nation's history. Soon these gun cannons will be placed in a National museum
where they will be much appreciated.
5-year-old Killed by School Bus - Olivia Browne (Period 6)
A 5-year-old Kentucky boy was struck and killed by his school bus after he got off at his stop. he was pronounced dead and the record of the driver has been brought into question.
Analysis: The author is John Newsome and he seems to be an unbiased party in the matter. This article was produced September 27th, 2015 right after the events occurred which adds an urgency to the situation. I knew nothing of this subject before hand. This article was written for the general public, educating them on a tragic event. It was written to inform the nation about an extremely sad event. The main idea is that tragic events can happen to even the most experienced of workers. It is significant because it is the documentation of how careful one needs to be with children.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/29/us/kentucky-boy-killed-by-school-bus/?iid=ob_article_topstories_pool&iref=obnetwork
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/29/us/kentucky-boy-killed-by-school-bus/?iid=ob_article_topstories_pool&iref=obnetwork
Zoe Norton-Rodriguez---9th---Honey bees swarm deputy’s patrol car while stuck inside
A strange accident happened in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, around 1pm a truck crashed. It seems like a normal incident except that the truck was filled with BEES! The bees escaped the truck and surrounded Deputy Carl Zink's police patrol car! He was trapped in his car because there were so many bees. He had to wait until the bees were cleared before he drove away and only got one beesting. The driver of the truck that was carrying the bees wasn't as fortunate. Scott Woods got stung all over, his lips, his back, his nose and his eyes. Reports said bees traveled as far as half a mile away and it took hours for the bee keepers to catch the bees.
This is important because bees are a very important species that is in danger. If we run out of bees, we all die. I was glad to see that the people in charge of this dealt with it properly by calling in an beekeeper rather than an exterminator. Every bee life matters so learning to deal with them properly and not just scream "kill it" is an important step we all must take if we want our species to prosper.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Kim Davis' lawyer says she met with pope
So Kim Davis is a lawyer in Kentucky, in the Rowen County, who denied giving marriage licenses to gay couples claiming it was against her belief. She was sent to jail because of her actons which in my opinion don't have a just reason nor a solid stance since religious belief isn't really a solid fact, in my opion.
But this women supposedly got to meet the pope even though he's catholic and some of his beliefs show;d go against her beliefs right? Anyway but she does have the right to practice her bliefs and America is ALL about religious freedom but her expression of her belief shouldn't get in the way of two people whom love eachothr.
interaction with the Pope: "He held out his hands and he asked Kim to pray," "He thanked her for her courage. He said these words, 'Stay strong,' and they embraced and hugged."
"She was amazed that she was able to meet with Pope Francis," the lawyer said. "She never imagined in her life that she would meet with the pope and that itself was just an experience that she will never forget."
The meeting "sends a worldwide message that the pope stands on the side of religious freedom which is a basic right everyone should have.
But this women supposedly got to meet the pope even though he's catholic and some of his beliefs show;d go against her beliefs right? Anyway but she does have the right to practice her bliefs and America is ALL about religious freedom but her expression of her belief shouldn't get in the way of two people whom love eachothr.
interaction with the Pope: "He held out his hands and he asked Kim to pray," "He thanked her for her courage. He said these words, 'Stay strong,' and they embraced and hugged."
"She was amazed that she was able to meet with Pope Francis," the lawyer said. "She never imagined in her life that she would meet with the pope and that itself was just an experience that she will never forget."
The meeting "sends a worldwide message that the pope stands on the side of religious freedom which is a basic right everyone should have.
Margaret King 1st period- Pixar Staff Try New iPad Pro and Apple Pencil
Apple stopped by Pixar on Tuesday the 29th to let them try out the new iPad Pro and Pencil. The new iPad is specifically designed to be more responsive to touch and will be a great tool for animators, especially when combined with the new Apple Pencil. Michael Johnson, the lead in a Pixar team that makes tools for animation, is quoted saying it has "perfect palm rejection" which means that when you are sketching with the Pencil and your hand is resting on the screen it will only register the pencils touch and not your hands, although it will register your fingertip if you wish to use that instead. The iPad Pro will come out sometime in November and the Pencil is a separate accessory that costs $99.
To read the full article click here!
To read the full article click here!
Cuba to Obama: End Embargo and Close Gitmo (julie torres)
President Obama met with Cuba's leader, Castro, to discuss issues over the embargo set on Cuba. Castro has been urging Obama to lift the embargo since it's been hindering their economy and well being of their citizens. Though Castro already contributes to the citizens lifestyle, the embargo anyway is affecting their life. The embargo was placed on the once Civil War rival but times have changed and it's time for something like this to change.
Castro asks for Obama to remove the base that is in Gitmo but it also serves as a prison for detainees to reside in, and if removed they wouldn't be held anywhere else
On tuesday Castro and Obama met to discuss laws and other solutions to help out Cuba and honestly thats the best thing to do. Its been about 60 years since the cold war era and this embargo was placed a long time ago and it doesn't make sense now to enforce it still since we now live in different era and have different problems so it'd make sense to at least make some adjustments towards the embargo.
Mother of 3 set to be executed tonight, despite Pope's plea (Maddie Hanratty/8th period)
Kelly Gissendaner is a mother of three children who convinced her unofficial significant other to murder her husband in 1997. Many have signed a petition to stop this execution, calling Gissendaner a "powerful voice for good", and Pope Francis is also on board. He released a plea to the courts to dismiss the execution altogether, yet states that of course her crimes should not be forgotten nor should they go without punishment. The family of the victim, Douglas, is not silent in this matter. They want the focus of the trial to be on Douglas; he is the victim, after all. However, Gissendaner's children claim their father would not want their mother to be put to death. The execution has been temporarily postponed, and we will see whether Gissendaner gets the death penalty.
I have mixed feelings about Gissendaner being executed. I wouldn't go as far as to say that she is a "powerful voice for good", but my interests are primarily in her children and the amount of trauma they've been through already. The article mentions nothing about CPS stepping into the relationship between they and their mother, so I can only hope their home environment is somewhat pleasant. However, dealing with the death of their own father is not something to be taken lightly, no matter how resilient people say kids are. Much less forgiving their mother for participating in something so cruel. Nonetheless, they have forgiven her, and I don't think losing her, too, would benefit their morale.
Relating this back to U.S. history, this story overall reminds me of Anne Hutchinson. Hutchinson was not a murderer, but she faced the possibility of being executed. She also had a family who depended on her. Not only this, but Gissendaner is facing the same penalties as Hutchinson for much more serious crimes. This gives me hope, because it shows progress in the judicial system as a far as appropriate consequences being paired to the crime at hand. This is a good contrast to come out of unfortunate events.
I have mixed feelings about Gissendaner being executed. I wouldn't go as far as to say that she is a "powerful voice for good", but my interests are primarily in her children and the amount of trauma they've been through already. The article mentions nothing about CPS stepping into the relationship between they and their mother, so I can only hope their home environment is somewhat pleasant. However, dealing with the death of their own father is not something to be taken lightly, no matter how resilient people say kids are. Much less forgiving their mother for participating in something so cruel. Nonetheless, they have forgiven her, and I don't think losing her, too, would benefit their morale.
Relating this back to U.S. history, this story overall reminds me of Anne Hutchinson. Hutchinson was not a murderer, but she faced the possibility of being executed. She also had a family who depended on her. Not only this, but Gissendaner is facing the same penalties as Hutchinson for much more serious crimes. This gives me hope, because it shows progress in the judicial system as a far as appropriate consequences being paired to the crime at hand. This is a good contrast to come out of unfortunate events.
Scientists find their first biofluorescent reptile, a Pacific sea turtle by Jareen Imam (Zoe Roberts 3rd Period)
Summary: Scientist have discovered the first bioluminescent reptile! Marine biologists were off the Solomon Islands filming small sharks when they encountered the first bioluminescent turtle. Marine biologists captured footage of a hawkbill sea turtle giving off green and red lights. Bioluminescence is special because it allows scientists to get closer looks into the working cells. However bioluminescence, when an organism produces it's own light through chemical reactions, is different from bioflorescance. Bioflorescance is when an animal absorbs lights and then emits it. Scientists believe these turtles may be using bioflorescance as a way to camouflage and hide from predators
Analysis: I have to admit, stories like this always make me smile. It's so good to hear new exciting things like this. New discoveries, especially in the science field are so exciting. They really showcase how ever expanding our knowledge of things is. It will be interesting to watch this story unfold further as we learn just what exactly the turtles are using their bioflorescance for and what other animals are using it.
Source http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/29/world/biofluorescent-sea-turtle-discovered/index.html
Analysis: I have to admit, stories like this always make me smile. It's so good to hear new exciting things like this. New discoveries, especially in the science field are so exciting. They really showcase how ever expanding our knowledge of things is. It will be interesting to watch this story unfold further as we learn just what exactly the turtles are using their bioflorescance for and what other animals are using it.
Source http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/29/world/biofluorescent-sea-turtle-discovered/index.html
Life On Mars -Bernadette Negrete 8th
Summary :Late in 2008 frozen water was discovered on mars creating big controversy weather mars was attainable to life. This discovery led to many new ways to finding better and more accurate information. The discovery also helped NASA discover that maybe Mars wasn't just an arid, acidly planet . it led them to see the planets true characteristics.This week another shocking discovery has been made. Frozen rivulets of salt water has been found running down the side of the planet. This new information has began to question weather humans are going to be able to live and visit the planet. Humans might be able to visit by 2030 if we can find the source of the water.
Analysis: The water rivulets are just the beginning to finding about about mars. We could finally see whats under the layers of dirt Mars and have an accurate description of its core and inner-terrain.terrain. This information will be the groundwork for future expeditions to the planet. NASA expects that by how fast they are obtaining information about the planet, we might be able to visit by 2030. Visiting the red planet will bring us so far . The amount of data and materiel's needed to fund a trip like this is astounding but the information we will gather on the trip will be even more astounding. I cant wait what 15 years will bring.
Summary :Late in 2008 frozen water was discovered on mars creating big controversy weather mars was attainable to life. This discovery led to many new ways to finding better and more accurate information. The discovery also helped NASA discover that maybe Mars wasn't just an arid, acidly planet . it led them to see the planets true characteristics.This week another shocking discovery has been made. Frozen rivulets of salt water has been found running down the side of the planet. This new information has began to question weather humans are going to be able to live and visit the planet. Humans might be able to visit by 2030 if we can find the source of the water.
Analysis: The water rivulets are just the beginning to finding about about mars. We could finally see whats under the layers of dirt Mars and have an accurate description of its core and inner-terrain.terrain. This information will be the groundwork for future expeditions to the planet. NASA expects that by how fast they are obtaining information about the planet, we might be able to visit by 2030. Visiting the red planet will bring us so far . The amount of data and materiel's needed to fund a trip like this is astounding but the information we will gather on the trip will be even more astounding. I cant wait what 15 years will bring.
N.Y prison worker behind the escape of 2 murderers from high security prison. Fernanda Sandoval
Joyce Mitchell now a former employee of a high security prison in upstate New York aided in the escape of Richard Matt and David Sweat. She provided the convicted killers with hacksaws and lighted eyeglasses that allowed them to escape. She now faces a minimum of 2 years and 4 months in jail for this crime, although she did plea guilty, saying that it is the worst thing she has done in her life and she regrets it deeply. Later the 2 murderers were found, one was shot and killed, the next was found 2 days later and returned to prison.
I just cant believe that anyone in their right minds would help in the escape of 2 murderers, it is so wrong and I see no reason behind why she, or anyone would do that. It just shows that we as people are not always civilized and many times, irrational thinkers.
I just cant believe that anyone in their right minds would help in the escape of 2 murderers, it is so wrong and I see no reason behind why she, or anyone would do that. It just shows that we as people are not always civilized and many times, irrational thinkers.
Monday, September 28, 2015
How Many Active Serial Killers Are There Right Now? |Marlee Fleisher| 9th
Many people sometimes find themselves wondering, "How many active serial killer are operating in the United States right now?,""Are they just a relic of the past?" America's most infamous serial killers, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Richard Ramirez, were all active 30+ years ago, giving people a sense that this type of crime has tapered off. But in reality, there are 25 to 50 active serial killers in the U.S. at any given moment, according to John Douglas (baebaebaebaebae), former chief of the FBI's Serial Crime Unit. A serial killer is someone who has killed three or more people at separate places and times, with a cooling off period between murders; this cooling off period is what separates serial killers from mass murders. Another question people find themselves asking is "how many people do serial killers kill each year?" Serial murder makes up 1% of the 15,00 murders committed in the United States each year, which is 150 people killed each year by serial killers, the same as the number of people killed by falling coconuts. Also there are a lot of unsolved serial murder cases in the United states, like the recent deaths of 6 women in Chillicothe, Ohio. Another common question people are asking is, "Who are these serial killers?"Unlike the stereotypes portrayed on t.v., 20% of serial killers are African-American, 17% of serial killers are females, many of them are married and active in their communities, and the majority suffer from personality disorders. But despite our culture fascination with serial killers, most of us will never encounter a serial killer.
Link: http://www.bustle.com/articles/112070-how-many-active-serial-killers-are-there-right-now
Many people sometimes find themselves wondering, "How many active serial killer are operating in the United States right now?,""Are they just a relic of the past?" America's most infamous serial killers, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Richard Ramirez, were all active 30+ years ago, giving people a sense that this type of crime has tapered off. But in reality, there are 25 to 50 active serial killers in the U.S. at any given moment, according to John Douglas (baebaebaebaebae), former chief of the FBI's Serial Crime Unit. A serial killer is someone who has killed three or more people at separate places and times, with a cooling off period between murders; this cooling off period is what separates serial killers from mass murders. Another question people find themselves asking is "how many people do serial killers kill each year?" Serial murder makes up 1% of the 15,00 murders committed in the United States each year, which is 150 people killed each year by serial killers, the same as the number of people killed by falling coconuts. Also there are a lot of unsolved serial murder cases in the United states, like the recent deaths of 6 women in Chillicothe, Ohio. Another common question people are asking is, "Who are these serial killers?"Unlike the stereotypes portrayed on t.v., 20% of serial killers are African-American, 17% of serial killers are females, many of them are married and active in their communities, and the majority suffer from personality disorders. But despite our culture fascination with serial killers, most of us will never encounter a serial killer.
Link: http://www.bustle.com/articles/112070-how-many-active-serial-killers-are-there-right-now
Hey, look outside... do you see the moon? If the your answer is yes then you have just saw the Super Blood Moon. Your probably thinking what's so cool about a red moon; to who answer your question the last time the Blood Moon accrued was in 1982. If your still spectacle about the Blood Moon then let me go more into detail about this moon, which occurs when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit, will coincide with a lunar eclipse, leaving the moon in Earth’s shadow. It has been said by astronomers that this rare, spectacular, breath taking moon will not show up again until 2033.
So what are you waiting for...pull out a chair and admire the beauty of the Super Blood Moon after all who time to wait 33 years while you can see it now.
click for more info
Reagan Rees Period 5
Flowing water on Mars, is there hope of life there? NASA has just announced that there may be water on Mars, leading to the belief in life there. Watery flows detected by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter are suspected to be associated with water.
So what does this mean for our country if this is the case, that there is life on Mars. If it is possible to sustain life there, or if there are already lives there, this could mean a drastic change in America and all over the world forever.
So what does this mean for our country if this is the case, that there is life on Mars. If it is possible to sustain life there, or if there are already lives there, this could mean a drastic change in America and all over the world forever.
Changes in Amercia by Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex
Times are changing in America and suddenly things are changing quickly. Three major events occurred the week of June 21st in America, same sex-couples were given the right to get married in all 50 states, the Confederate Flag started to disappear from politics in the South, and Obamacare has returned from yet another attempt to get rid of it. President Obama made the point that the equal rights guarantee should widen as times change. There have been many debates on if the Confederate Flag should be taken out of the Nation's Capitol.
I agree with the President, when the constitution was written it was mainly focused on slaves and giving every person equality but now is very different from the 1700s. Discrimination is still happening but with different groups of people, like same sex marriage.
I think that having a Confederate Flag in the Capitol isn't bad because it was a part of our history and we can't change that, but I don't think that Walmart should be selling them in stores.
I agree with the President, when the constitution was written it was mainly focused on slaves and giving every person equality but now is very different from the 1700s. Discrimination is still happening but with different groups of people, like same sex marriage.
I think that having a Confederate Flag in the Capitol isn't bad because it was a part of our history and we can't change that, but I don't think that Walmart should be selling them in stores.
Costumed Hero Prevents Attempted Murder, Emir Price, 9th
On September 20th, the famed-among-nerds Seattle vigilante Phoenix Jones got between three men and their helpless victim who was being beaten. He called the police and quickly went to save the man being attacked, knocking away a gun one of the men had been holding. While the other assailants went for the gun, Phoenix got himself to safety, taking attention away from the victim. As the police came on the scene, Phoenix cornered one of the three thugs and helped apprehend him, possibly saving someone's life in the process. After an investigation, the all three suspects were caught and booked, all because a man went out of his way to defend the defenseless.
This guy is a lunatic.
But he's the type of lunatics we need more of. Good-hearted lunatics that put themselves in the line of danger out of the goodness of their hearts like a lot of us rational cowards would never do. Phoenix Jones is a real life hero that we should all look up to as a bastion of hope in rotten cesspools where anyone can fall victim to senseless violence. He's be a symbol. A guardian, and a watcher in the night. He's the hero Seattle deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
On September 20th, the famed-among-nerds Seattle vigilante Phoenix Jones got between three men and their helpless victim who was being beaten. He called the police and quickly went to save the man being attacked, knocking away a gun one of the men had been holding. While the other assailants went for the gun, Phoenix got himself to safety, taking attention away from the victim. As the police came on the scene, Phoenix cornered one of the three thugs and helped apprehend him, possibly saving someone's life in the process. After an investigation, the all three suspects were caught and booked, all because a man went out of his way to defend the defenseless.
This guy is a lunatic.
But he's the type of lunatics we need more of. Good-hearted lunatics that put themselves in the line of danger out of the goodness of their hearts like a lot of us rational cowards would never do. Phoenix Jones is a real life hero that we should all look up to as a bastion of hope in rotten cesspools where anyone can fall victim to senseless violence. He's be a symbol. A guardian, and a watcher in the night. He's the hero Seattle deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Could There Be Life on Mars? - Ava Cosentino
Just today it was confirmed that the dark streaks reported to have been seen on Mars a few times are in fact results of running water! Though there aren't exactly pools, lakes, or oceans of water, there are still damp, muddy sections of the sandy surface that provide evidence to the said findings. Furthermore to back it up, NASA scientists have also found deposits of "moisture salts" that prove that running water had been there no longer than a few days prior. Now the real questions are, "Is there life up there, and are living conditions fitting for living organisms to be able to survive on the sandy planet?"
This is an amazing step towards the attempt at finding other life beyond our planet and for history itself! Though scientists have discovered other things in the past that may also point toward extraterrestrial life, in my opinion, this is by far the most amazing. It's inevitable for me to immediately think of all the mind blowing things that may be out in space waiting for humanity to discover them! Will there be reports of extraterrestrial life beyond our planet in the near future? Will we discover that living conditions on Mars are similar to that of Earth's or not? Could this discovery affect our world in a positive or negative way or maybe not at all? I'm quite optimistic at the various possible answers to these questions and can't wait to see how much closer we get the answering them one discovery at a time.
Just today it was confirmed that the dark streaks reported to have been seen on Mars a few times are in fact results of running water! Though there aren't exactly pools, lakes, or oceans of water, there are still damp, muddy sections of the sandy surface that provide evidence to the said findings. Furthermore to back it up, NASA scientists have also found deposits of "moisture salts" that prove that running water had been there no longer than a few days prior. Now the real questions are, "Is there life up there, and are living conditions fitting for living organisms to be able to survive on the sandy planet?"
This is an amazing step towards the attempt at finding other life beyond our planet and for history itself! Though scientists have discovered other things in the past that may also point toward extraterrestrial life, in my opinion, this is by far the most amazing. It's inevitable for me to immediately think of all the mind blowing things that may be out in space waiting for humanity to discover them! Will there be reports of extraterrestrial life beyond our planet in the near future? Will we discover that living conditions on Mars are similar to that of Earth's or not? Could this discovery affect our world in a positive or negative way or maybe not at all? I'm quite optimistic at the various possible answers to these questions and can't wait to see how much closer we get the answering them one discovery at a time.
Slavery records will soon be easily searchable online Kiyanna Elliott
Summary: FamilySearch, a large genealogy organization, along with several other organizations will digitally release records collected through the Freedmen's Bureau and launch a nationwide volunteer effort to make the records searchable by 2016. The Freedmen's Bureau received handwritten, personal information about an estimated 4 million newly freed slaves including details about who previously owned them, marriage and family history, military service, banking practices and hospital and property records. Organized near the end of the Civil War and following the passage of the 13th Amendment, the Freedmen's Bureau operated from 1865 to 1872 in 15 states and the District of Columbia. It opened schools, managed hospitals, rationed food and clothing. As a result, it collected information on millions.
Analysis: This story is a little dated (it was published on June 19th) but I just came across it on one of my social media accounts and I wanted to do a current event post on it. I think any article that related to African Americans that is only a few months old would be alright due to the fact that issue pertaining to us is always relevant and in the news. I wanted to share this because I'm really happy that a lot of African Americans will now begin to trace back their heritage since it was taken away from them. It sucks to be in a middle of a discussion about what you races you're mixed with when you don't know anything. All you know is that your black and that's that. Hopefully when this is complete and organized, I can find something about my family's past.
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/06/19/slavery-records-searchable-online/28921295/
Analysis: This story is a little dated (it was published on June 19th) but I just came across it on one of my social media accounts and I wanted to do a current event post on it. I think any article that related to African Americans that is only a few months old would be alright due to the fact that issue pertaining to us is always relevant and in the news. I wanted to share this because I'm really happy that a lot of African Americans will now begin to trace back their heritage since it was taken away from them. It sucks to be in a middle of a discussion about what you races you're mixed with when you don't know anything. All you know is that your black and that's that. Hopefully when this is complete and organized, I can find something about my family's past.
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/06/19/slavery-records-searchable-online/28921295/
"ESCARG-WHOA! Snails So Small You Can Fit 10 In A Needle's Eye" Nora Bracy 5th pd.
Scientists in southern China recently discovered a species of land snail. Now considered the smallest species, 10 of these micro-snails can fit into the eye of a needle. Little is still known about how these snails function, but it's assumed that they feed off of microorganisms. They were discovered in a soil sample just north of Vietnam.
The discovery of these minuscule snails may seem as small as them, but it's actually really important!! It really does show how little we've actually discovered about the Earth. Imagine if we explored the ocean more deeply, what we could find. Plus, these snails aren't just some undiscovered species, they're the smallest so far. Who knows, maybe in a couple years, we'll find snails small enough that we can fit 11 into a needle's eye.
The discovery of these minuscule snails may seem as small as them, but it's actually really important!! It really does show how little we've actually discovered about the Earth. Imagine if we explored the ocean more deeply, what we could find. Plus, these snails aren't just some undiscovered species, they're the smallest so far. Who knows, maybe in a couple years, we'll find snails small enough that we can fit 11 into a needle's eye.
"Does Donald Trump have a God Problem?" Jasmine Rodriguez 4th Period
At the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington DC, Donald Trump tried to gain the right of religious activists by making himself appear as a devoted Christian. His tactics were no so convincing, including one of his strongest points being that he owned a Bible with his name inscribed on the cover. By simply saying "I believe in God", "I believe in the Bible", and "I'm a Christian", Donald Trump expected to immediately gain the support of all Christians across the nation, and perhaps people of other faiths seeing that he is a person of "great spirituality" (generally speaking). It was obvious that Trump's only goal was to gain support. People of Christian faith did not see any signs of someone with a real relationship with God, or someone who cared about it for that matter. This, yet another, ridiculous attempt at gaining followers may have been done on purpose. The outrageous attempt may have theoretically failed, but it succeeded in getting attention from national news sights.
I am personally torn between the idea that Trump is unaware of how to properly gain the support of the different groups in America, or if he knows he can't and is trying to merely gain attention. Everyone knows who Donald Trump is, and has at least some idea of his values. This may have been his initial intention: to get people talking about his ideas. In this since, you could say Donald Trump is a success. Specifically speaking on the terms of this article, I found it quite offensive. Being a Christian myself, I saw the methods Trump used in which he thought would appeal to Christians quite disheartening. The fact that he would think such small surface aspects of a complex region would appeal to people who are already appalled by his earlier claims is quite ridiculous to say the least. Even so, Donald Trump is, in more ways than one, notorious.
Banksy's "Dismaland" houses refugees- Bethany Wolfe 3rd
Banksy, a secretive street artist based in the UK, is turning his "bemusement park" around to house refugees camped in France.
The odd Disneyland parody in the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare opened in August. "Dismaland" features 3D pieces by a collaboration of artists- including Banksy himself- among a decaying castle and backwards Ferris wheel. However, Banksy has decided to renovate the park. "Dismaland Calais" project will repurpose all timber and fixtures to create shelters at the 'jungle', a refugee camp near Calais.
This a very interesting take on the issue of refuge. Banksy is making an effort to reach out to these people and people after them. It often seems like countries only address the issue rather than the people. This reminds me of Georgia's charter which offered safe-haven for debtors. Although Banksy can't charter a colony for refugees, he is taking full advantage of his assets at the moment.
Banksy, a secretive street artist based in the UK, is turning his "bemusement park" around to house refugees camped in France.
The odd Disneyland parody in the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare opened in August. "Dismaland" features 3D pieces by a collaboration of artists- including Banksy himself- among a decaying castle and backwards Ferris wheel. However, Banksy has decided to renovate the park. "Dismaland Calais" project will repurpose all timber and fixtures to create shelters at the 'jungle', a refugee camp near Calais.
This a very interesting take on the issue of refuge. Banksy is making an effort to reach out to these people and people after them. It often seems like countries only address the issue rather than the people. This reminds me of Georgia's charter which offered safe-haven for debtors. Although Banksy can't charter a colony for refugees, he is taking full advantage of his assets at the moment.
"Azealia Banks: Always Trashy, Never Classy" by Jack Higgins 6th period
It should come as no surprise that celebrities - specifically pop stars - are prone to exploitation of their flaws through the media. And it is rightfully so. As role models who want all the attention they can get from the world, they tend to be held to a higher standard, especially when they have such strong influence over so many impressionable young women. Azealia Banks gets plenty of just such attention, but doesn't use her influence in a positive way.
Disparaging remarks made in a fashion belittling to people by calling them homosexual are not what little children need to be doing, nor does anybody else.
This girl has gone out of her way to defend the LGBT+ community by calling multiple people who offended her "f*cking f*ggots" and tweeting the following: "LGBT community (GGGG) are like the gay white KKK's. Get them some pink hoods and unicorns and let them rally down Rodeo Drive."
Always keeping it classy for the fans.
She goes on in an attempt to defend herself by trying to explain that "one word" shouldn't make such a difference and that "offense is only taken, not given." So if your idol said your music was the most cacophonous train wreck they had ever had the misfortune of hearing, would you say that no offense was given nor intended? Some truly infallible logic.
If her PR person has not made an apology on her behalf by now not only is she a fool, but her public relations representative is an imbecilic plebeian, as well.
Disparaging remarks made in a fashion belittling to people by calling them homosexual are not what little children need to be doing, nor does anybody else.
This girl has gone out of her way to defend the LGBT+ community by calling multiple people who offended her "f*cking f*ggots" and tweeting the following: "LGBT community (GGGG) are like the gay white KKK's. Get them some pink hoods and unicorns and let them rally down Rodeo Drive."
Always keeping it classy for the fans.
She goes on in an attempt to defend herself by trying to explain that "one word" shouldn't make such a difference and that "offense is only taken, not given." So if your idol said your music was the most cacophonous train wreck they had ever had the misfortune of hearing, would you say that no offense was given nor intended? Some truly infallible logic.
If her PR person has not made an apology on her behalf by now not only is she a fool, but her public relations representative is an imbecilic plebeian, as well.
Donald Trump!!! Silly goose at it again!!!! - Reece Clark, 6th period
Donald Trump manages to shock the world yet again when he says in a recent interview that he probably hasn't been the most "presidential" as of late in this campaign. "But you know what? This is a campaign," he says. He defends the majority of the things he has said by claiming to be a "counter-puncher," in that he is simply reacting to verbal attacks on HIM that came out of nowhere from rivals he has been "so nice to." After acknowledging, but not really apologizing for his "childish behavior," as described by Trump himself, he went on to A) Trash talk Hillary Clinton, B) Brag about how the economy is going to sky rocket under his control, and C) State that his plan for ISIS is to simply let them have it out with Russia and hope some damage is done to either side.
No matter what end of the political spectrum you are on, I think it's safe to say that Donald Trump has caught the attention of most people in America, whether you agree with his views or not. Obviously, I find articles and interviews regarding him to be quite "interesting," as he has been the target of a handful of my blog posts. But political preferences aside, Donald Trump is winning the campaign game by attention alone. He claims he is just stating things others do not have the courage to, and that is somehow working to his benefit. This just goes to show how swiftly America is changing, I suppose.
Liquid water exists on Mars, boosting hopes for life there, NASA says- Lia Kerkman 6
NASA has discovered flowing water on the surface of Mars! Scientists are now looking into the potential of life, past present or future, on the planet. Water is proof that if there was any life form they would have a way to survive. However the water source is still unknown and is being looked into, as well as a Mars exploration foundation. The question is there life outside of Earth is still far from answered, but we are one step close to finding it.
This is not the first/only proof that life outside of Earth is possible. It may be very possible but the question still remains does it exist. If life was found outside of Earth I don't know how people would react. I think some would be excited and interested about what else is out there, and I think a lot question their belief system and other things. Science has advanced so much throughout the years, and there's still so much more to discover.
This is not the first/only proof that life outside of Earth is possible. It may be very possible but the question still remains does it exist. If life was found outside of Earth I don't know how people would react. I think some would be excited and interested about what else is out there, and I think a lot question their belief system and other things. Science has advanced so much throughout the years, and there's still so much more to discover.
Judge David C. Bury sanctions Border Patrol over destroying evidence. by Bob Cummins, 6th Period
Judge David C. Bury sanctioned the U.S. Border Patrol after an advocacy group filed a lawsuit for 3 immigrants who claimed that the Border Patrol's sector in Tucson is inhumane to immigrants and holds them in dirty and cold cells for extended time periods. The Border Patrol at that sector destroyed video tapes of the facility and it "was certainly willful." The tapes destroyed were made before August 14, near the time when Bury requested a tour of the facility.. They now have to bring forth all the existing video recordings made from June 10 to the present. The Border Patrol has left no comment.
This is an example of the lack of respect Americans can show to immigrants even on American soil. This has happened to many groups in American history, most recently Mexican people and other Central and South American peoples. With these issues now being brought up by Donald Trump about border security, news like this is more prominent. It shows that there is much room for improvement in the way immigrants are treated by national security.
Source info
This is an example of the lack of respect Americans can show to immigrants even on American soil. This has happened to many groups in American history, most recently Mexican people and other Central and South American peoples. With these issues now being brought up by Donald Trump about border security, news like this is more prominent. It shows that there is much room for improvement in the way immigrants are treated by national security.
Source info
Shelby Flowers
Shelby Flowers
American, not pencil thin, and over 30.
That is the description of Misty Copeland according to this
article. She was
named as the first African American female principal dancer for the American
Ballet Theatre in July of this year.
What an honor and yet a demanding position to be in. She reached fame status early in her career
as a victim of a child custody case when her biological mother wanted her to
stop dancing and return home. She was
granted her independence and was able to continue her dance training. She has become a social media frenzy of hot
gossip and new searches. Her story is
even more interesting as she is not the poster child for a normal looking
ballerina. She is not pencil thin, she
is not European, and she is not under 24.
Misty is 32 years old and that is not the norm for a principal
ballerina. She also started training
when she was 13 years old and that is not part of the norm either. With all the odds of success stacked against
her, Misty Copeland has become a stand out ballerina and made history as well.
This article appeared on the website of News Discovery in
July of 2015. Joel Stevens as a research
point of view wrote it with a slant towards his personal preference. It is factual based and full of interesting
information. His use of comparisons of African Americans and Europeans might
have the reader think that he is of European decent. He tends to lend the idea that African
American women are usually not thin and rarely have a shot in the ballet
I have seen some of my friends who are African American and
are ballet dancers and they do not fit his stereotype of the African American
As informational as this article is, it has a slight
undertone of demeaning innuendoes of what the average African American woman
looks like. I find offense to it and I
am Caucasian. Stereotyping of people
has become a norm in the world today. Much
of is has been brought on by terrorism, fear, and the craziness of our lives as
well as the unknown.
I feel that this article stands out because of the unrest
that has been taking place in our country with racism. As much as Misty Copeland should be revered
for making it as a older dancer with training that started so late in her life,
and the fact that she is not the typical pencil thin ballet dancer, but instead
it headlines with the first paragraph as her making as the first black female
principal dancer. I feel that her thunder was stolen from her accomplishments
because she is black and not because she is talented.
Article link:
Kenley Turner 3rd period- Smithers comes out on 'The Simpsons'
summary: Simpsons character, Smithers, will come out to his boss as being gay on the shows 27th season. Most people in the town already know him as gay, but Smithers will come out to his boss, his most venerated companion, which is a big deal. The episode will be aired in March.
analysis: It is very important that the media begins to be diverse. It helps reduce discrimination from ignorant people if minorities become apart of the norm. Lots of shows tend to have a token character that is there for the sake of not having a 100% straight white show. However, many new shows, like apparently The Simpsons, are working in many relevent social issues, such as people coming out of the closet, and letting the common viewer see the problems people face from various cultures. It is important that these issues are disolved, so that equality can finally run its course.
analysis: It is very important that the media begins to be diverse. It helps reduce discrimination from ignorant people if minorities become apart of the norm. Lots of shows tend to have a token character that is there for the sake of not having a 100% straight white show. However, many new shows, like apparently The Simpsons, are working in many relevent social issues, such as people coming out of the closet, and letting the common viewer see the problems people face from various cultures. It is important that these issues are disolved, so that equality can finally run its course.
Life on mars
Just recently scientists have confirmed that there has been slow wings liquid water substance on Mars. Could that possibly mean that Mars could obtain a life. There have been many speculations/arguments about wether or not earth is the only planet to obtain life, but this evidence of water on Mars could possibly upon a new light into this subject. We always sort of had assumptions that Mars might hold life but there was no proof and what we "knew" about Mars showed other wise( with Mars being shown as a dry dusty planet".
We have advanced in technology over the years and this just goes to show how far we have come since our first investigation on Mars with the Mars rover. The evidence of water on Mars doesn't necessarily mean there is life. Life is a very complicated thing wether it's human beings or nature(like trees and plants) we being as living things need more than just water to continue life. This evidence is pointing into the direction of possibility of life but we have to remember the meaning of posssibility. Possibility meaning a chance of .
Just recently scientists have confirmed that there has been slow wings liquid water substance on Mars. Could that possibly mean that Mars could obtain a life. There have been many speculations/arguments about wether or not earth is the only planet to obtain life, but this evidence of water on Mars could possibly upon a new light into this subject. We always sort of had assumptions that Mars might hold life but there was no proof and what we "knew" about Mars showed other wise( with Mars being shown as a dry dusty planet".
We have advanced in technology over the years and this just goes to show how far we have come since our first investigation on Mars with the Mars rover. The evidence of water on Mars doesn't necessarily mean there is life. Life is a very complicated thing wether it's human beings or nature(like trees and plants) we being as living things need more than just water to continue life. This evidence is pointing into the direction of possibility of life but we have to remember the meaning of posssibility. Possibility meaning a chance of .
Layla Maynard: Mars Here I Come!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summary: Scientists have discovered the existence of liquid water on Mars. Though this discovery does not prove there has been any form of life on the planet, but provides hopes that maybe one day, Mars can indeed support some life form.
Analysis: Literally scientists found water on Mars, and so far, of course it's not drinkable and the conditions aren't yet capable of quartering the human race, but that's incredible. This discovery can help lead to new scientific technology and exploration and revelations. And, in many many years, maybe even life on Mars.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/28/us/mars-nasa-announcement/index.html
Analysis: Literally scientists found water on Mars, and so far, of course it's not drinkable and the conditions aren't yet capable of quartering the human race, but that's incredible. This discovery can help lead to new scientific technology and exploration and revelations. And, in many many years, maybe even life on Mars.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/28/us/mars-nasa-announcement/index.html

High School Footballer gets Kicked in the Head After his Helmet falls off After a Play By Trevor Walker 1st Period
Has high school football always been as crazy as it has been so far this season—or are we just hearing about it more often now thanks to the Internet? In any case, on Friday night, two California high schools, Lakewood and Long Beach Millikan, squared off with a game featuring intense hits on both sides of the ball. Things then really escalated when a Millikan player ran up and kicked a helmetless Lakewood player at the end of a play. This then resulted in a scuffle between the Millikan players and possibly Victor Bates' (the kid who got kicked) family in the locker room after the game. Arrests are the next step for the people who attacked the players and charges will be pressed.
I'm honestly really glad that these people are going to get arrested, but the scuffle in the locker room shouldn't have happened in the first place. Kicking someone in the head is never a solution in football unless you're purposefully trying to injure an opponent, which is illegal in football. So the whole thing should've just never happened, and the Millikan player should not have vented his frustration in such a way to endanger other players.
I'm honestly really glad that these people are going to get arrested, but the scuffle in the locker room shouldn't have happened in the first place. Kicking someone in the head is never a solution in football unless you're purposefully trying to injure an opponent, which is illegal in football. So the whole thing should've just never happened, and the Millikan player should not have vented his frustration in such a way to endanger other players.
Fear Tends to Overshadow Facts -Avery Yoss
This article discusses the details of school shootings and how they have been mis-detailed. People tend to think that school shootings are becoming more and more common, but that is not necessarily true. The shooting at Columbine high school outside of Denver is the most important/tragic shooting so far, taking place in 1999. People often say that that the two boys who were the shooters at this tragic event were plotting to kill certain groups of people, which is not true. As the story spreads, the details tend to change a lot. The article confirms that it is not true that school shootings are becoming more and more common.
I think the reason that people think school shootings are happening more often now is because of technology and the media. Everyone hears when there is a shooting now but it wasn't as common to hear about it before.
Girl Arrested for Riding Sea Turtle
20 year old Stephanie Marie Moore was arrested for riding a sea turtle in a viral photo. It was taken at Melbourne Beach in Florida and soon spread all over the web. Melbourne Beach is along the East coast of Florida. It is "home to the most important sea turtle nesting habitat.About 90% of Sea turtle settle in Melbourne and the people make sre to protect them and educate others about them. After Moore posted the pictures and videos on her snapchat , many people became enraged andforwarded these to th Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservaion Commission. The person who took the video and pictures remains unknown but Moore is being held in jail at $2,000 bond.
It's amazing how one sinmple thing could change you life forever. This girl was probably jokinh around and thought what she was doing was funy when really she was breaking a law. I think to prevent a situation like this we should just put up more signs in the general area. Because although this situation may sound so crazy, it's a big deal to some people. To preserve the Sea turtle is some of these peoples main goals and they had to do what they thought was right at the moment.
Simon Waranch, 3rd period, Water Exists on Mars!
On Monday, NASA scientists said that there is a breakthrough in finding life on mars and also the chance that we can go to there. Nasa scientists discovered water on mars which means that if there is life not just on the earth then there could be life on mars. Nasa said that by looking at at light waves, they have conquered that there is indeed water on mars.
This is great! it shows that there is a chance that life exists beyond the earth. Also because of the proximity of mars, if there was life it wouldn't be that hard to get there. This is so interesting and I'm excited about this new discovery!
link here
This is great! it shows that there is a chance that life exists beyond the earth. Also because of the proximity of mars, if there was life it wouldn't be that hard to get there. This is so interesting and I'm excited about this new discovery!
link here
Pope Francis Delivers Meaningful Speech at New York UN Conference by Brenna Hale(6th Period)
When Pope Francis spoke at the UN conference in New York, he touched on many subjects. Those subjects included the harm being done to the environment, stating, "Any harm done to the environment is harm done to humanity." He also spoke of an end to the worsening of poverty, more respect of women, and paid his respects at the 9/11 memorial. The Pope mentions a meeting about climate change in Paris and his hopes that it will produce an agreement that something must be done. So many Americans and visitors have happily greeted the Pope's presence and speeches since he arrived in New York.
I remember reading a National Geographic article on Pope Francis. He is a very likable man, who does a lot to stay an ordinary human being instead of a huge superstar. He wears orthopedic shoes and lives in a modest apartment instead of the Apostolic Palace. He is a man of the people and enjoys speaking his mind to the masses. The UN is the United Nations and should not be just made up of political figure heads and conversationalists, Pope Francis has a voice too. I'm not very religious but he does have a point when he said the universe is "the fruit of a loving decision by the Creator." Whether science or God put us hear, the Earth and surrounding solar system were a gift, something to be cherished and not trashed and killed because people take it for granted. In relation to American history, I would relate this to the American colonists and their need for expansion. They got greedy and sometimes violent for their own benefit, much like Americans now who want to make money from the harm of the environment, such as poaching, deforestation, fracking, and many others.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34360928
I remember reading a National Geographic article on Pope Francis. He is a very likable man, who does a lot to stay an ordinary human being instead of a huge superstar. He wears orthopedic shoes and lives in a modest apartment instead of the Apostolic Palace. He is a man of the people and enjoys speaking his mind to the masses. The UN is the United Nations and should not be just made up of political figure heads and conversationalists, Pope Francis has a voice too. I'm not very religious but he does have a point when he said the universe is "the fruit of a loving decision by the Creator." Whether science or God put us hear, the Earth and surrounding solar system were a gift, something to be cherished and not trashed and killed because people take it for granted. In relation to American history, I would relate this to the American colonists and their need for expansion. They got greedy and sometimes violent for their own benefit, much like Americans now who want to make money from the harm of the environment, such as poaching, deforestation, fracking, and many others.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34360928
Victoria Garza "How Many Deaths Did Volkswagen’s Deception Cause in U.S.?"
Volkswagen recently installed a software that deceived emission tests and emitted pollutants way above the legal level. The chemical released, nitrogen oxide or NOx, is extremely harmful to the respiratory system of humans. It can cause premature deaths, airway inflammation, coughing and wheezing, and can lower our resistance to respiratory illnesses. Since 2009, about 46,000 tons of pollutants have been released into the atmosphere.
I was really disappointed when I read this article. It's frustrating that a company or any person for that matter would knowingly do something that could harm the environment. It is also proven that this pollution can be really harmful to humans and our respiratory systems. There have been a lot of initiatives recently which have promoted the conservation of our environment, and this unfortunate occurrence has added more pollution to our already polluted atmosphere. This relates to U.S. history because it is a direct example of how our inventions and developments throughout U.S. history can negatively effected our environment.
Life on Mars Julie Shilling p.4
life-giving water still flows across the ancient surface of Mars from time to
time, NASA scientists said Monday in revealing a potential breakthrough in both
the search for life beyond Earth and human hopes to one day travel there.
NASA researchers using an imager aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter confirmed the water flows by looking at light waves returned from
seasonal dark streaks on the surface, long suspected to be associated with
liquid water. It is the first potential clue that Mars could have once
-- or may still -- host life.
I think this discovery
is amazing, and how the space race has already began. A group has been established
with 100 applicants in training to embark on a one way trip to Mars, leaving
earth forever to try to establish life on mars. Out of the 100 in training only
24 will be chosen for this mission. The organization perusing this journey is
called Mars One. Mars One has the goal of establishing a permanent human settlement
on Mars. To prepare for this settlement the first unmanned mission is scheduled
to depart in 2020. Crews will depart for their one way journey in 2026;
subsequent crews will depart every 26 months after the initial crew has left
for Mars. I think it is incredible just to know that there will be human life
thriving on another planet in just a few decades.
Taytum Buford(Period 6)-Lake Dallas Teacher/Coach Accused of Improper Relationship
Summary: On August 25, a Monday morning, 59-year-old Dugan Walker was arrested for having an improper relationship with a student. This was a surprising accusation as Walker was a loved educator and softball coach. "We're crazy about him. He was a great coach," says Chelsea Christian, a mother of a sophomore softball player,"We were shocked. My daughter is shocked. All the kids are shocked." Walker is the sixth teacher accused of having inappropriate relations with a student in the Dallas area within the last couple of weeks. Two teachers at Melissa High School, one teacher at Arlington ISD, and two teachers at Belware Elementary School for having inappropriate relationships with the students.
Analysis: This is completely, irrevocably wrong. First off, I still do not understand why grown men feel the need to have inappropriate relationships with the students. Some of them even have wives and a family at home, and yet they still choose to commit such an awful crime. Second of all, I cannot believe that some of the students, the ones in high school at least, gave consent to the inappropriate relationships as well. The teachers aren't being accused of rape, but "inappropriate relations". This leads me to believe that the students had some part in the crime as well. The government and school district need to invest more time and money so we can all feel safer at our school. Maybe we can get more video cameras and security guards to watch them. Or maybe actually look in to the teachers criminal records before hiring them. This crime is way too serious to be taken lightly. All of these crimes can relate back to another incident that took place in Florida on January 2- as a young boy wrote his number on the board in hopes of getting a girl that he liked to call him. Little did he know, he was to be contacted by the teacher and the two of them were then involved in a sexual relationship. This crime is ridiculous and we need to do something about it. Now.
Click Here for Info on Dallas
Click Here for Info on Florida
Analysis: This is completely, irrevocably wrong. First off, I still do not understand why grown men feel the need to have inappropriate relationships with the students. Some of them even have wives and a family at home, and yet they still choose to commit such an awful crime. Second of all, I cannot believe that some of the students, the ones in high school at least, gave consent to the inappropriate relationships as well. The teachers aren't being accused of rape, but "inappropriate relations". This leads me to believe that the students had some part in the crime as well. The government and school district need to invest more time and money so we can all feel safer at our school. Maybe we can get more video cameras and security guards to watch them. Or maybe actually look in to the teachers criminal records before hiring them. This crime is way too serious to be taken lightly. All of these crimes can relate back to another incident that took place in Florida on January 2- as a young boy wrote his number on the board in hopes of getting a girl that he liked to call him. Little did he know, he was to be contacted by the teacher and the two of them were then involved in a sexual relationship. This crime is ridiculous and we need to do something about it. Now.
Click Here for Info on Dallas
Click Here for Info on Florida
Brooks Norton 4th Period
Scientist have confirmed that there is definitely water on Mars. The planet Mars has thought to be completely lacking in water for quite a while but scientists have confirmed that this is not so. There are what appear to be the equivalent of streams on Mars.
This is a very important discovery for a number of reasons. For one thing this changes our understanding of our galactic neighbors quite radically. For another this is exploring and exploration is something that is incredibly prominent in our history. This is a continuation of the space race of the 1960s, which was all about discovering something new. I hope we continue to try and explore the stars.
This is a very important discovery for a number of reasons. For one thing this changes our understanding of our galactic neighbors quite radically. For another this is exploring and exploration is something that is incredibly prominent in our history. This is a continuation of the space race of the 1960s, which was all about discovering something new. I hope we continue to try and explore the stars.
Liquid water exists on Mars, boosting hopes for life there -Kennedy Park 4th period
An undergraduate student, at the time, was the first to discover the streaks on Mars. These "streaks" were water. Many signs show that long ago Mars may have had life and some believe that the water may still hold some. NASA said Monday that there is hope that there may be in fact, life on other planets. Although it is debated where the water comes from, it is certain that there is flowing water on Mars.
It's interesting to look back and see how far we have come from the first British colonies. We now have cameras that can see 224.3 million miles away. Water on Mars could also mean that we could one day visit or even possibly live there. This could have so much potential for discovery and growth but also for failure. What happens if because we want to live there, we take over we cause a whole planet to become extinct! This idea is like when people discovered America and basically wiped out the whole native American population.
It's interesting to look back and see how far we have come from the first British colonies. We now have cameras that can see 224.3 million miles away. Water on Mars could also mean that we could one day visit or even possibly live there. This could have so much potential for discovery and growth but also for failure. What happens if because we want to live there, we take over we cause a whole planet to become extinct! This idea is like when people discovered America and basically wiped out the whole native American population.
Morgan T. Smith (4th period) Biden Will Have a Chance to Appear in First Democratic Debate
Biden Will Have a Chance to Appear in First Democratic Debate
Summary :CNN invited Joe Biden to the upcoming democratic debate. He will participate along side with Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee.
To qualify to be in the debate, all the candidates must have an average of 1% in three polls. And even though Biden has struggled with deciding whether to join the race, has met the minimum requirements to enter the debate.
Analysis: Honestly I personally don't think Biden should run for President, but if he wants to, it would be nice if he could hurry up and make a decision.
"Life on Mars?" by Julia Plummer
Recently, NASA scientists have figured out that salt water could potentially exist on Mars. There's no definite proof as of yet, but what has been found are indentations on the planet's surface that suggest salt water running through the area. Additionally, in these indentations, "hydrated salt" (AKA salt that has been in contact with water) has been found. Before now, people were aware of ice caps on Mars, but there had been no evidence of water in a liquid state existing there, until now.
What this means for humans, while preliminary, is a potential planet for future habitation if something happens to the Earth. While people wouldn't be able to live there yet, these new discoveries have opened a whole new door in the field of scientific technology, discovering new potential life and resources, as well as finding a place that humans could potentially inhabit, which is really cool.
Recently, NASA scientists have figured out that salt water could potentially exist on Mars. There's no definite proof as of yet, but what has been found are indentations on the planet's surface that suggest salt water running through the area. Additionally, in these indentations, "hydrated salt" (AKA salt that has been in contact with water) has been found. Before now, people were aware of ice caps on Mars, but there had been no evidence of water in a liquid state existing there, until now.
What this means for humans, while preliminary, is a potential planet for future habitation if something happens to the Earth. While people wouldn't be able to live there yet, these new discoveries have opened a whole new door in the field of scientific technology, discovering new potential life and resources, as well as finding a place that humans could potentially inhabit, which is really cool.
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