Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wikipedia bans anonymous user from congress linked computer- Amanda Cervantes 4th

        Wikipedia pages are free to the public, anyone can edit the content written. Recently, Wikipedia has placed a one month ban on anyone logging on from an congress linked IP adress. Apparently, a user traced to the U.S House of Representatives sparked this decision due to having made edits to Wikipedia's page of the popular series "Orange is the New Black" on Wednesday. The user had specifically edited the portion of the page that mentions Laverne Cox, a series regular and transgender actress, changing her description on the page from "a real transgender woman" to "a real man pretending to be a woman". Many changes like this had been tracked coming from the same IP adress on many different pages, in fact this has been the third act against this IP adress, having been blocked twice in July due to similar edits on several pages with transgender issues.
      This article information was written by Anya Van Wagtendonk, a journalist for PBS news hour. This article touches a subject that is very relevant in American minds, the conflict of government power over Americans daily lives, although this issue is mostly dealing with an individual with an IP adress from congress, the fact that someone from the 'government' would be going out of their way to edit such specific portions of public information will cause more suspicion in many. This also touches our idea of freedom of speech, how free are we to post what we want, and to read what we want. Especially with the new frontier of the internet.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me angry to think that this individual would let his personal opinions lead him to write something as ignorant as " a real man pretending to be a woman". It's 2014. Get with it.
