Friday, August 29, 2014

Ferguson, Ruby Aguilar 5th period


         As many people know the popular topic about Ferguson is about a police officer who shot against unarmed Michael Brown. There are many sides to this story; the main one is said that Michael was surrendered with his hands up showing that he had no arms in his hands when the policed fired against him. Police officer repeatedly claim that they fired on account of self defense. This is seen as discrimination because Michael Brown was African American. 

- CNN created the article. The article is written in third person. 
- The article was updated Friday August 15, 2014. This means that the article is being kept updated. 
- I knew a bit about Ferguson that it was about police officers shooting against and unarmed boy. This affects my understanding by giving me background knowledge and information. 
- This article was written to any people who are interested about their surroundings. This can have both a negative or positive influence on the audience. 
- The article was written to alert people about what is going on throughout the U.S.
- The point the article is trying to convey is that people's skin color often speaks or gives an impression before they do.
- The document is relevant to our lives today by showing how discrimination is still present in our daily lives. 



  1. I feel that people have turned this into about racism rather than the bigger picture: a police officer shooting a boy because he wasn't corroporating and had the right to shoot in self defense. The officer felt his life was in danger therefore he shot. Officers do not go to work to shoot/kill people but rather to make the community a safer place for innocent people and to go home to their families the way they left: safe and alive

  2. (Continued) This has become a huge issue in America when situations like these can/could be prevented. -Sarah Oviedo

  3. Regardless of what happened, I think that this has accumulated into something that will not easily be resolved.

  4. Ferguson is just a prime example to numerous stories throughout American history that seem to have multiple sides. From the evidence of the shooting, it is still ambiguous to what really happened to Michael Brown. much like many accounts in history where only one side of an event is recorded.

  5. The forensic report showed that Michael Brown was shot many times. Police officers are trained to shoot the person committing a crime (if he's causing any danger) in the arm or leg.. This police officer shot him many times not only in the leg and arm, but also the head and chest. Who really knows what went on but I just hope that justice will be served for this man.
