Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Rise in Hate Groups -Cleo Chaney

Original Article:

Watchdog reports that hate groups in America have rose by 30% in recent years, 7% in 2018 alone. This is largely attributed to the spread of hateful communities on social media and Trump’s administration. An example of this would be the huge alt-right march in Charlottesville in 2017. It is similar to the upsurge in nativism in 1920s America. People are feeling safer with different platforms expressing their hateful beliefs.


  1. Honestly, under Trump it feels like people are liberated to say and do whatever they want without any consequences. It's like a total abandonment of morality.

    1. I agree. People have been going off the rails with the things they’ve been saying recently. They use freedom of speech as an excuse, but there’s no excuse for being hateful to another person or their way of life.
      Maya Friedmann

    2. I couldn't have said it better myself, the president is supposed to lead people on a road of good conduct and a general respect of people's wishes beliefs and identification. I think that he is just not the leaded he needs to be, he brings comfort to those who want to hurt others.
