Monday, February 4, 2019

Pennsylvanian pleads guilty to trafficking protected turtles- Grecia Jimenez

David Sommers admitted to sending a package to Canada in 2014 countaining 11 diamondback terrapin hatchlings. Sommers pleaded guilty to one felony count violating the Lacey Act and agreed to forfeit nearly 3.500 diamondback terrapin hatchlings that authorities say he poached from coastal marshes in New Jersey. The Lacey Act bans trade in illegally obtained wildlife, fish and plants. As a part f the agreement, prosecutors will drop the remaining charges against him at his sentencing on May 15. He faces up to 5 years in prison.
This crime can be compared to when the fur trade was occurring in colonial America and many animals were killed for their pelts and fur.The furs of beavers and foxes were considered a delicacy in france and were sold for lots of money.

1 comment:

  1. This is disgusting! Although there are bigger things to worry about, I'm glad he was caught.
