Monday, February 4, 2019

Lesly Marquez- For millennials, cancer fueled by obesity are on rise a study says


This Article basically informs us about a study released on Monday by the American Cancer Society. They inform us about the risk of cancer and how its increasing in young adults for half the the obesity related cancers with the increase steeper in progressively  younger ages. They also tell us that it is usually more common for older people to get these types of cancers but recently its been the younger people to get these cancers. Doctors and scientist are trying to figure out how these cancers and obesity are related and cause this to happen. The article also says "we need to make the public aware that there is no time that I ok to be obese". They say this because they believe we might not take those signs as serious when we first  see them and if affects us later on.


In my opinion I believe this was really interesting study that they made. I don't think anyone should discriminate a certain body type because it's just one of those things that we can or can't have control over.

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