Sunday, February 10, 2019

Leslie Vasquez- Another Government Shutdown Might Happen

The deadline Trump has set for another government shutdown over border disputes is this Friday, February 15, and it could happen. As of today, negotiations over how to secure the border have broken down. Democrats want to limit the amount of immigrants that ICE can detain, although they feel it contradicts their stance on detaining immigrants, and are short on the amount of money demanded by Trump to build a wall. Also, many federal workers during the first shutdown did not show up for their jobs, causing federal services to be lagged. Many are concerned on how another shutdown will effect the public and federal services. 

I feel like a government shutdown over the border is unnecessary. We just had the longest shutdown in history and now we might have another one, not to mention in the same year. Having two government shutdowns in the same year, so close in time with each other, is kind of ridiculous. Also, putting your workers at risk of not being paid seems like a move that wasn't thought of all the way through. I hope this issue gets fixed in the speediest way it can because I, personally, am tired of all of this.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that another shutdown is unnecessary and thus is very ridiculous. Its very upseting the people are working and not getting paid.
