Monday, February 4, 2019

Keyanna Smith-"Worst Governing of their Lifetime"

Few are optimistic that the president and congress will be able to reach agreement in time to prevent another shutdown. 63% say that the agreement is not likely to happen by the deadline and over half of Democrats, Republicans, and independents agree to this. Over half of the percentage of people are saying that the government is doing a bad job at governing. Two thirds say that he should not declare a national emergency in order to build the wall and 57% say they would oppose another partial government shutdown over wall funding.

I feel like this should say something to the president about the way he is going about with the building of this wall. A big percent of people are agreeing that they are not going to come to an agreement before the deadline and this connects to the diversity of the government now and that it will take them a while to come to an agreement on something this big.


  1. Let's be honest, our president has no idea what he is doing. If he tries to shutdown the government again over some stupid, unnecessary border wall, he better expect resistance.
